<![CDATA[The crazed right-wing takeover of the United States takes another tentative step with the introduction by a gaggle of Republican representatives have introduced a bill allowing Congress to over-rule decisions of the United States Supreme Court. This may not seem like a significant step, as the Court is firmly in lunatic right-winger hands now, but, if passed, would ensure that future courts would be powerless against partisan decisions launched by the Congress.
The bill, H.R. 3920, was introduced by Kentucky Republican Ron Lewis and cosponsored by 11 other would-be Robespierres. Rep. Lewis said in introducing the bill on the floor:
I am a strong supporter of numerous legislative measures currently being considered by this Congress, aiming to define marriage as an exclusive union between one man and one woman. However, I believe a more comprehensive solution is necessary to address the broader, troubling trend toward judicial activism, a development with definitive implications beyond just the issue of marriage.
There is a simple means for the Congress to react to a Court decision today: Make a different law. This goes too far and the fact that the Republicans think it is reasonable to introduce this act is evidence the neocon takeover has already gone too far.
Lewis also said: “America’s judicial branch has become increasingly overreaching and disconnected from the values of everyday Americans, many of whom I represent in the Second District of Kentucky.” Well, if I am not mistaken, there are a lot more judges than members of the House of Representatives, suggesting that simply by following the law of averages, the House will be less representative than the judiciary. I also don’t understand the comment about the people of Mr. Lewis’ district. Is he saying that some of his constituents are not “everyday Americans” and, therefore, undeserving of representation?
That the gay marriage thing is becoming the pivotal issue in both the Presidential election and the current session of Congress only underscores what a farce the neocons have made of reasoned debate. God save the republic.]]>
2 replies on “So much for balance of powers”
Open Notebook
Mitch Ratcliffe has posted a few interesting things over the poast few days. Parallels can be drawn between Kerry vs. Everyone in the Left and what’s happening in Australia, and the risk we run of letting little Johnny back into…
Open Notebook
Mitch Ratcliffe has posted a few interesting things over the past few days. Parallels can be drawn between Kerry vs. Everyone in the Left and what’s happening in Australia, and the risk we run of letting little Johnny back into…