
Cheney's Fake Web Source

<![CDATA[Vice President Dick Cheney, in his refutation of the fact that Halliburton is under investigation for a variety of violations of federal law, cited "" a site he said was created by the University of Pennsylvania, which he said demonstrated the charges were "false" and "without substance." He got the name wrong. It's, a […]

<![CDATA[Vice President Dick Cheney, in his refutation of the fact that Halliburton is under investigation for a variety of violations of federal law, cited "" a site he said was created by the University of Pennsylvania, which he said demonstrated the charges were "false" and "without substance." He got the name wrong. It's, a project of the Annenberg Center for Public Policy, which is located at the University of Pennsylvania.
Cheney is referring to the article on the site, “Kerry Ad Falsely Accuses Cheney on Halliburton.” However, this article does not deal with the allegations that Halliburton bribed foreign officials and falsified records, it deals only with the accusation that Cheney benefits directly from his former company’s contracts in Iraq.
Cheney, however, does benefit from gains in profits and stock price the company produces as a result of the contracts it receives—in the form of tax breaks for the charitable donations described here. Mr. Cheney refused to sell his assets when he became vice president, saying “I’d like not to give away all of my assets to serve the public.” The potential value of the charitable deductions is $8 million, enough to defray much of the future tax burden Cheney and his wife; so, there are gains with tangible benefits for the Vice President.
He then went on to say that he met Senator Edwards for the first time when they walked on stage this evening. Maybe he just doesn’t remember being in the same room on numerous occasions because Cheney hasn’t told Edwards to “Go fuck yourself.” He was in the room with Edwards on the day he told Pat Leahy to perform autofornication.
Maybe during the six sessions when Cheney appeared in the Senate as president pro tempore to cast a tie-breaking vote, he failed to look around. Edwards was there every time.
Maybe Dick isn’t a very friendly fellow? Maybe he isn’t a uniter, perhaps he is a divider. Maybe his dismissal of Senator Edwards’ record is based on trivial data and not substantive criticisms.
UPDATED: From Daily Kos comes this photographic evidence:

10 replies on “Cheney's Fake Web Source”

Mitch, you’re clearly grasping at straws. The Halliburton connection isn’t significant, and it passes muster with all of our conflict-of-interest rules with flying colors. The attempts by Kerrybots to imply a connection so strong that it colors American foreign policy is strictly tin-foil hat material.
Similarly, Edwards has had zero impact on the Senate during his one term, which is why the people of North Carolina were preparing to send him home just as he launched his hilarious run for the Presidency.
You can’t fault Cheney for failing to see an invisible man.

Richard, I guess you’re comfortable with a vice president who backs Iraq’s right to do business with the world, then fights them, then takes a job with Halliburton and insists his company should be able to do business with Iraq, then becomes Vice President of the United States and uses falsified data to justify an attack on Iraq so that Halliburton can rebuild the country again. All the while, the company cooks its books, bribes foreign officials and lies to the Department of Defense about its business practices and margins. Hmm….
As for Edwards’ background, as a successful attorney who built a personal fortune and then turned to public service, he certainly was tangible enough at the debate the other night to show Cheney for the lying cold-hearted bureaucrat he is.

Kerry Ad Falsely Accuses Cheney on Halliburton
Here’s the summary of the article on refuting the bogus Kerry accusations on Cheney’s Halliburton connection:
A Kerry ad implies Cheney has a financial interest in Halliburton and is profiting from the company’s contracts in Iraq. …

Of course I’m comfortable with Dick Cheney, he’s the man.
Leaving aside your highly imaginative summary of the last 20 years of American relations with Iraq and focusing on the substance of the debate, most of us were mainly impressed by the “stature gap.” Cheney is a man with one of the most impressive resumes in America, having served as Congressional staffer, Congressman, White House Chief of Staff, Defense Secretary, CEO of a major multinational corporation employing tens of thousands, and Vice-President.
John Edwards is a kid with great teeth and nice hair who used to sue doctors by using religious appeals and junk science, generally disliked by the people who elected him to be Jesse Helms

Yes, Dick Cheney did pretty well for himself at Halliburton, and he probably got the job in part because he has friends all over the world, many of them government officials involved in some aspect of oil exploration or production.
We live in a capitalist society, a place where talent and knowledge are rewarded, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you don’t like this arrangment, there are still a few places – Cuba comes to mind – with different systems, but if you decide to go there, don’t get trampled by the herd of emigrants coming the other way.
Last week, Kerry and Edwards said they were going to use diplomacy to expand the coalition, but this week they admit that’s not going to work, Germany and France already having shot them the finger. These countries were bribed by Saddam and weren’t going to do anything to jeoparidize their sweetheart deals then or now.
Kerry and Edwards have no plan, never had a plan, and never will have a plan. Instead, they have petty criticisms and the support of the small-minded, arrogant, and angry.
That’s not enough to win an election, let alone abate the whole Islamo-fascist menace in the Arab world.
Try again.

I don’t think they’d have you in Cuba, Mitch, and I didn’t say you should go there, just that someone with your animosity toward the successful might be more comfortable there. Teddy Roosevelt liked Cuba, so much that he launched a pre-emptive war there as I recall from my history.
The issue, actually, isn’t business ethics or the role of capital in a free society, it’s what it takes for this country to retain its freedom in the face of the global threats that we face today. Are we better served by a government of adults with twenty years experience dealing with people like Saddam Hussein or with children who believe the Easter Bunny will rescue us.
Cheney understands Saddam because he worked with him as an ally against the Iranians, went to war with him over his invasion of Kuwait, dealt with him during the sanctions regime, and toppled him from power when he didn’t comply with it. This is experience, and it’s invaluable.
Pretty boys channeling unborn babies in hillbilly courtrooms don’t have this kind of experience, or the toughness to deal with real threats.
Your dilemma is that your sense of alienation and your jealousy has lead you to hook your wagon to a team of lame mules. You’re smart enough to know you’ve screwed up, and not to gracefully disconnect.
That’s a problem.

Richard, you’ve got me confused with someone who isn’t successful. Please, offer some proof that I am jealous, rather than suggest you know something about my situation in life. Or, how about just trying to respond to the ideas of Theodore Roosevelt? Was he jealous, too? Basically, you’re all attack and no defense intellectually.
But, frankly, this is laughable coming from someone who supports an administration that refuses to admit *any* mistakes in the run-up to and prosecution of the war:
“Your dilemma is that your sense of alienation and your jealousy has lead you to hook your wagon to a team of lame mules. You’re smart enough to know you’ve screwed up, and not to gracefully disconnect. That’s a problem.”
Maybe your sense of alienation from the real world and the jealousy you feel toward those of us living in it explains your persistent and largely useless attacks. But, I agree, not admitting your mistakes is a big problem and, thankfully, we Americans who live in the real world are going to have a say in November.
Your notion of valuable experience, that Cheney is better qualified than others to deal with Saddam, having made him and having gotten more than 1,000 American soldiers killed ousting him when we should have been focused on Osama bin Laden and al Queda, is lunatic.
You also need to review your history. Roosevelt wasn’t the president during the Spanish-American War, so could not have “started a preemptive war”. Enough said for your historical veracity.
For now, shoo fly.