Business & Technology

Tons of Skype?

<![CDATA[Joi is astonished at the number of mobile handsets sold each year in China, according to UT Starcom’s Hong Lu, but imagine what you get when that country switches to wireless VoIP. InnovationWORLD hosted a China business seminar last year, which Hong Lu keynoted, and it was an eye-opener. Get this: there are almost 700 […]

<![CDATA[Joi is astonished at the number of mobile handsets sold each year in China, according to UT Starcom’s Hong Lu, but imagine what you get when that country switches to wireless VoIP. InnovationWORLD hosted a China business seminar last year, which Hong Lu keynoted, and it was an eye-opener. Get this: there are almost 700 million phone lines in China, more than half wireless.
Skype just signed a deal to provide Tom Online, a Chinese ISP, with global VoIP interconnectivity.]]>