Business & Technology Life & Everything Else

Which Sirius gadget should I get?

<![CDATA[I'm going to get my wife a Sirius satellite radio for Christmas. She never reads the blog, so it’s not like I’ll blow the surprise by asking for advice here. She likes Stern and the BBC, but I am at a loss as to which one of the receivers to buy. Ideally, she’d have a […]

<![CDATA[I'm going to get my wife a Sirius satellite radio for Christmas. She never reads the blog, so it’s not like I’ll blow the surprise by asking for advice here. She likes Stern and the BBC, but I am at a loss as to which one of the receivers to buy. Ideally, she’d have a completely portable one, but I don’t think those exist based on extensive browsing.
So, anyone out there have a suggestion?]]>