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iPods get people laid and can improve their memories, too!

<![CDATA[Here's a great story I heard over lunch with my good friend Tony Fadell, who leads the iPod engineering group at Apple. It seems he gets a lot of email from people living in college dorms, thanking him for their improved sex life. Why? Well, their iPods have allowed them to create personal playlists that […]

<![CDATA[Here's a great story I heard over lunch with my good friend Tony Fadell, who leads the iPod engineering group at Apple. It seems he gets a lot of email from people living in college dorms, thanking him for their improved sex life.
Why? Well, their iPods have allowed them to create personal playlists that they carry along as a soundtrack to their lives. When they publish their playlists to Rendezvous networks in their dorms, other students surf those playlists to get an idea what people are like.
So, late at night a guy sitting in his dorm may hear a knock on the door and, opening it, find a girl who loves their playlist. Tony gets mail from guys thanking him for this hidden feature in the iPod.
“It’s just that one vector that allows people to connect,” Tony said. We were talking about how walls inside ourselves are starting to come down and I agreed, based my experience with (I helped raise their initial funding and was on the board of directors for a few years, not to mention that my sister met her husband on Match and my mother-in-law’s sole reason for learning Windows, as far as I can tell, is to use Match—though I think eHarmony is tempting her away).
Our hunger to connect is tremendous, more than the one for sex, though it appears the sex is better—or more easily consummated—than when I was in college. I guess it’s time to read the new Tom Wolfe book, after all.
Anyhow, we turned to a new kind of social exchange that Tony has discovered with his iPod Photo. He and friends who have loaded their pictures, from childhood to the last few days, onto their iPod Photo device. Using the touch wheel, they scroll through the whole collection in a couple minutes, presenting a kind of time-lapse view of their lives. It lets them share in a few minutes a lifetime of experience and discover things in common.
So, to break the ice at a party, imagine passing iPods around so people can explore playlists and photo collections. “Hey, I was at that Stones concert!” or “I’ve been to that pub in Dublin, too!” kind of revelations could start conversations.
Vectors of experience have never crossed so easily and our lives have never been so easily recored (I asked him to build an iPod video camera with a lite version of Final Cut built in that allowed me to quickly edit a segment and upload it to my Web server—the iPod touch wheel is an ideal physical interface to video editing). The question is whether that will make us more tolerant of one another or just put everyone at risk of an inquisition….]]>

26 replies on “iPods get people laid and can improve their memories, too!”

Snakes get you laid
iTunes gets you laid (via Cult of Mac). Lots of other things get you laid too, apparently. You’re all wrong. Snakes get you laid. I’m serious. On more than one occasion, while doing reptile displays, I’ve had a largeish snake…

iTunes gets you laid, Audioscrobbler … not so much
Mitch Ratcliffe reports that college students are finding that sharing their iPod/iTunes playlists over the network in their hall of residence can lead to unexpected benefits:So, late at night a guy sitting in his dorm may hear a knock on the door and,…

links for 2004-12-22
Wired News: Slip a Geek Book Under the Tree Just in case you still haven’t got anything for that special geek in your life. (categories: literature tech) The Applestore of the future A parody site that skewers Apple users….

sigh. just goes to show how sad we’ve become as a generation. i mean we now need electronic gadgets that cost 300 dollars, so that we can pass them around at a party just to be able to “start conversations”??? god!! i dont think im gonna say anything more…’ll just make me cry…..

This is too cool!
iPods get people laid and can improve their memories, too! Mitch, the blog author, found out the following information about college kids and their iPods from Tony Fadell an iPod engineer at Apple. Tony has received a ton of mail…

Danish, I think you despair too soon. Exchanging summary photo timelines is a *great* way to find out about people while they find out about you – it’s more than merely “starting conversation”. The latter can be something lame like, “say, how’s the weather”. But it’s much more meaningful to see what someone else has seen and to survey the important aspects of their life’s experiences.

Sounds great.
A major corporation listening to advice on college communication. And if the college people really connect, that’s what it’s all about.
So iPod is just a way to touch someone else.
I love it.

ps-you got any more touchy-feely tech devices up your sleeve? Please let me know. We need ’em. “

I tend to see new connections as good. There’s no reason why you have to use an iPod to begin a conversation, but if you can, what’s bad about that?
We do it with books we’re reading in public (“Oh, how is that? I’ve been thinking of reading it” or “I loved that book, what do you think?”) and sports (“You’re a Mariners fan? Me, too.”)

Who’d of thunk it
I must be getting old, because I’d not really adequately considered how a photo iPod would be used in the intense social milieu of high school and college students. Anyway, its bascially anecdota, but its an interesting. RatcliffeBlog—Mitch’s Open No…

Haha! That’s so funny that I found this. I have experienced this exact thing. I’ve met tons of girls through the music on iTunes over my school’s local network. They pursued me, based entirely on the music I like and a false image of who they thought I’d be based on that collection. This has even led me to booby-touching, which is always nice.

True story. I got laid by the girl who bought my iPod off of craigslist.
She stuck around long enough for me to put some songs on it for her and we ended up going to dinner.
Well the next morning she left the money on the night stand and headed out the door. She had even paid for dinner. Yay iPod

With the divorce rates as high as they are, I say anything that brings people together like this is a good thing. Its better than people meeting in a bar.

Did you say lay lists?
Hard to keep your potent play list secret from your competitors, but I predict I’ll soon be getting spam offering to sell me play lists more powerful than pheromones.

I agree that it’s sad that we need an ipod to start a conversation but who can deny the fact that it’s an awesome gadget to have and soooo much earier to carry around!!