<![CDATA[Once, again, with feeling: Thanks to Marqui for its sponsorship of this blog.
If you’d like to reach the sophisticated and influential audience reading RatcliffeBlog, drop me a line at godsdog [atsign] ratcliffe-dot-com. As an individual publisher, I’ll be glad to deal with your sponsorship proposal directly rather than through the many intermediaries seeking to take their slice.
Yes, that was snarky and I enjoyed it….]]>
Thanks to our sponsors
<![CDATA[Once, again, with feeling: Thanks to Marqui for its sponsorship of this blog. If you’d like to reach the sophisticated and influential audience reading RatcliffeBlog, drop me a line at godsdog [atsign] ratcliffe-dot-com. As an individual publisher, I’ll be glad to deal with your sponsorship proposal directly rather than through the many intermediaries seeking to […]
6 replies on “Thanks to our sponsors”
snarky today reality tomorrow
influential? i can’t even get my kid to go to bed before 11. and he’s 6.
hey, do you have any thoughts on jotspot? where it’s potential (if any) may lay? or moodle? we currently spend a fortune on distance learning software (blackboard is about to hike again) and are looking for alternatives…
Brandon, first, remember that I am Socialtext’s board of advisors. You should look at their stuff, not just Jotspot. Jotspot’s programming features are very interesting. But because it is non-standard, it’s just another thing to support—Socialtext has some of the same functionality, too, in a more traditional wiki environment.
Both are hosted, so if you have to install it on your own server, look at the open source wiki project Socialtext is doing with kwiki (here).
oh, hell, that’s right. i forgot that i’d originally heard of jot at redherring. christ, if my memory wasn’t so bad, i might recall i’m an idiot. thanks, i’ll re-check kwiki.
How much to have you tell folks to go check out some of our new blogs?
Jason, Jason…. I’ve got a standard unit now, which includes a 90×180 badge and weekly mention thanking you for the sponsorship, just like Nick’s sites do. It’s not a payoff, but a contract almost identical to the one you sign with advertisers.
I’m just building a publishing business, a small publishing business instead of a large one. Maybe it will get large, but that’s something to think about after this initial phase of experimentation is complete.