<![CDATA[I like this. Hugh McLeod does a nice job of explaining quickly and entertainingly how hard it is to be creative. I particularly agree with this:
“Don’t try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether.”
Avoid labels and joining, too, while living in community. Folks have asked what my email handle, godsdog, means. It was originally “coyote@well.com” and somewhere along the way when I moved Netcom, the handle “coyote” was taken so I chose “godsdog,” the Hopi nickname for coyote. There’s a trickster connotation, which is what most people think of when I explain this, but the real reason is that a coyote is a shy dog that stays at the periphery watching everything. It’s not that I am frankly anti-social, but I’ve always agreed with Groucho Marx’s maxim: “I don’t care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.”]]>