<![CDATA[The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: Stepping Out of the Tar Pit:
And, proving that Bushies do smoke crack, here’s David Brooks calling up the ghost of Whittaker Chambers to walk the streets of Baghdad…. The election was inspiring, but its results are far from certain. What’s striking about the analogy to Chambers is that Brooks goes to great lengths to emphasize how hard his journey from communism to conservatism was (it wasn’t very hard for many leading neocons, by the way), which is the opposite of having a democracy handed to you by an occupying force.]]>
Brooks: Stepping Out of the Tar Pit
<![CDATA[The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: Stepping Out of the Tar Pit: And, proving that Bushies do smoke crack, here’s David Brooks calling up the ghost of Whittaker Chambers to walk the streets of Baghdad…. The election was inspiring, but its results are far from certain. What’s striking about the analogy to […]