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Order is for the birds, chaos is where we ride

<![CDATA[ Ross Mayfield and I were breaking bones on skateboards round about the same time, though in different climates, but following up on a point I’ve been arguing this morning over in Browse, Ross’s point about Dogtown Movements shows how order is seldom the product of order, but more often the emanation of chaos: With […]

Ross Mayfield and I were breaking bones on skateboards round about the same time, though in different climates, but following up on a point I’ve been arguing this morning over in Browse, Ross’s point about Dogtown Movements shows how order is seldom the product of order, but more often the emanation of chaos:

With a little leadership, a core group born out of passion within an architecture that seems natural. Rejecting established culture to develop their own and spreading it in their own words, images and actions. Constant iteration in practice and adaptation by shaping architecture.
