
Die fascist cow. Oh, wait, she's already dead

<![CDATA[Ayn Rand is 100. Or would be if we hadn’t been relieved of her presence a long time ago. I hate her books. I remember being locked in my freezing apartment in Salt Lake—the landlord had not paid the heat bill, it was Christmas Day and I had a high fever—kicking one of Rand’s crappy […]

<![CDATA[Ayn Rand is 100. Or would be if we hadn’t been relieved of her presence a long time ago. I hate her books. I remember being locked in my freezing apartment in Salt Lake—the landlord had not paid the heat bill, it was Christmas Day and I had a high fever—kicking one of Rand’s crappy books around and shouting at it. Rand is cheap social Darwinism combined with badly interpreted Nietzschean bluster to justify simple-minded megalomania. I can’t stand Ayn Rand.]]>

2 replies on “Die fascist cow. Oh, wait, she's already dead”

I had a severe reaction of disgust a long time ago when I read (some of) Atlas Shrugged .. I couldn’t, or didn’t want to, finish it .. but kicking the book around your apartment and yelling at it, that’s engaged and committed hate 😉

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