Business Technic

Download books, turn off the radio

<![CDATA[Dean Takahashi: I’ve discovered that buying downloadable audio books from has now crossed a threshold. It’s easier, cheaper and more convenient than ordering audio cassettes for my car. Disclosure—I’m a consultant to Audible, so take this with a bag of salt: The economic system for a podcasting revolution that wipes out nationally uniform and […]

<![CDATA[Dean Takahashi:

I’ve discovered that buying downloadable audio books from has now crossed a threshold. It’s easier, cheaper and more convenient than ordering audio cassettes for my car.

Disclosure—I’m a consultant to Audible, so take this with a bag of salt: The economic system for a podcasting revolution that wipes out nationally uniform and boring radio already exists at Audible…. The format supports bookmarking, far better subscription management and is far more compact than MP3.
Via JD]]>