Impolitic Sheer Idiocy

If you're not in the top 10 percent, you're screwed again….Yahoo! News – Bush Seeks Sweeping Cuts to Curb Deficit

<![CDATA[Yahoo! News – Bush Seeks Sweeping Cuts to Curb Deficit: The budget leaves out some big items, such as the future costs of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and massive borrowing required by Bush’s plan to add private retirement accounts to Social Security. Slashing domestic programs to prove he’s “serious” about fiscal discipline, the […]

<![CDATA[Yahoo! News – Bush Seeks Sweeping Cuts to Curb Deficit:

The budget leaves out some big items, such as the future costs of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and massive borrowing required by Bush’s plan to add private retirement accounts to Social Security.

Slashing domestic programs to prove he’s “serious” about fiscal discipline, the thief in chief doesn’t account for any of the things that blew up the deficits to record levels when offering his budget. President Bush is bankrupting the country while undercutting the majority of Americans’ ability to start climbing the economic ladder.]]>