<![CDATA[OSN starts Wednesday. It's online at socialnets.org and all are invited to join the discussion (there is a nominal $35 fee to participate, which supports running the virtual conference for two weeks):
Weblogsky: OSN 2005:
The conference is scheduled to start February 9, 2005 and continue for two weeks, concluding on February 23rd. Content for the virtual event is organized into three areas:
Online Social Networks in organizations What organizations are using Online Social Networks, and why? What challenges and opportunities do they present? What are the practical applications of OSNs?
Online Social Networks for social and business use
How are OSN’s being used in the workplace and by individuals?Online Social Networks in the political arena
How have political parties and politicians used OSNs to raise money, explore issues, and mobilize at the grassroots level?If you are interested in the topics above, participate in OSN 2005 and learn more about…
Effective strategies for creating & sustaining on-line communities;
Methods for getting people to your event, party or conference
Adding value to earn trust and sustain participation;
Using effective design, style and form;
Impact and potential of OSNs in different sectors; and
Trends in the OSN arena.