Business Impolitic Life Technic

A real reporter wouldn't quit…

<![CDATA[Gannon Quits After Blogger Inquiry – Center for Media and Democracy: “The Talon News correspondent at the center of a scandal over his White House press credentials quit last night amid a growing online investigation into his history, including allegations of involvement with several websites appearing to support gay pornography and promote male prostitution,” reports […]

<![CDATA[Gannon Quits After Blogger Inquiry – Center for Media and Democracy:

“The Talon News correspondent at the center of a scandal over his White House press credentials quit last night amid a growing online investigation into his history, including allegations of involvement with several websites appearing to support gay pornography and promote male prostitution,” reports Timothy Karr. “Jeff Gannon (a pseudonym) announced last night via his personal website that he had found it ‘no longer possible to effectively be a reporter for Talon News. In consideration of the welfare of me and my family I have decided to return to private life.'”

Just proves this guy was no reporter to begin with. A real reporter thrives on conflict, ferchrissake.]]>