Business Technic

Beta now, beta virtually forever

<![CDATA[ February 09, 2005 Archives: Larry Page told analysts visiting the Google campus for a briefing that the “beta” tag can last up to five years and means that engineers still anticipate significant changes. Just today, I was debating with a client about when you start talking about a new product, before or after it’s […]

<![CDATA[ February 09, 2005 Archives:

Larry Page told analysts visiting the Google campus for a briefing that the “beta” tag can last up to five years and means that engineers still anticipate significant changes.

Just today, I was debating with a client about when you start talking about a new product, before or after it’s ready for launch. One position was that you shouldn’t talk at all, like Google and Yahoo. I pointed out that Google ships alpha services and that it makes as much sense to say “we’re going to build this thing, but we want to start talking about it beforehand, so we can help our customers get what they want the first time round.”]]>