Impolitic Sheer Idiocy

A right-wing hit squad walks into a bar…

<![CDATA[As I suspected, self-congratulating Sterno-drinking man-on-pig enthusiasts taking time out from their fantasy lives to intrude on the real world were responsible for the hit squad attack on this site. They said conservatives don’t take out after people like lynch mobs, but that’s just what they were, which is pretty much par for the course […]

<![CDATA[As I suspected, self-congratulating Sterno-drinking man-on-pig enthusiasts taking time out from their fantasy lives to intrude on the real world were responsible for the hit squad attack on this site. They said conservatives don’t take out after people like lynch mobs, but that’s just what they were, which is pretty much par for the course these days; say one thing, do the opposite, blame everyone to the left for your lies and smear them with your own filth while you’re at it. Note in the chat transcript below that they talk about “going out in wolfpacks” to attack “libs” with whom they disagree, just for fun.
It’s like Deliverance has come to American politics and anyone with a brain is on the river, just good targets for the slack-jawed pigfuckers in the hills. These inbred neocon dolts swill their self-consumed banter like it was droll wit and hope to find another Ned Beatty to bugger. Yep, that’s ‘Merica in the age of Bush, a veritable throw-back to the good ol’ days, when ignorance was its own reward.
The following is just part of the transcript of their moronic chat that went on for several hours, demonstrating that their goal is not dialogue, but destruction. Problem is, they don’t know how to answer any of my points, they just have their specialized approach to saying nothing intelligent and slapping one another on the back for their dirt-chewing quips (Shucks, it’s funny when we poke ‘im….).
As I say, these people are mindless troglodytes, the shards of an American conservatism that once valued liberty but today tries to cut it down wherever free thought challenges the Party Line, John Wayne cowboy-militarism and the End-Times Christian Way o’ Life. These people need to be dispatched to their own little world, because their egos are pushing the rest of us out of this one. I’d love to see a real conservatism return to our shores, one that valued other Americans as highly as it did its own supporters. I’d welcome those conservatives, ferchrissake.

Hey…lunch was great…..the apertif afterwards is…hilarious! Ya’lls just beating the shit outta Mithc…..don’t think he knows what happened! You ol’ meanies! Not any libs coming here so you’re going out in wolfpacks! LOL


Posted by: Todd – a Black arm band, for our fallen Brothers

Posted 2005-02-14 15:59:52

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LMAO … this is just too much fun!


Posted by: AmericanRight – Against All Enemies, Foreign or Domestic

Posted 2005-02-14 15:59:14

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Ron, I think we’re confusing him. Ron and Rob! LOL!


Posted by: therjnel – ISayGodBlessTheUSA, IfYouDontWantHimToLeave

Posted 2005-02-14 15:55:59

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Law not for him huh. I wonder why?


Posted by: therjnel – ISayGodBlessTheUSA, IfYouDontWantHimToLeave

Posted 2005-02-14 15:54:23

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He went for two weeks!! ROFLMAFO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Posted by: Staci – Miami, FL

Posted 2005-02-14 15:48:36

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Ron, he just replied to you. Gosh, this is funny. Not as funny as Caspian the other day, but funny nonetheless.


Posted by: Staci – Miami, FL

Posted 2005-02-14 15:39:59

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LMAO … he’s a law school dropout. Wait ’til he gets to my comment about those who wasted their money on journalism degrees.


Posted by: AmericanRight – Against All Enemies, Foreign or Domestic

Posted 2005-02-14 15:38:43

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C’mon now … I can’t take credit … I’ve had all of you here to sharpen the point of my spear … LOL


Posted by: AmericanRight – Against All Enemies, Foreign or Domestic

Posted 2005-02-14 15:31:20

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Now … Nery’s in on it, too. That poor asshole … he isn’t even bothering to formulate responses anymore! LOL


Posted by: AmericanRight – Against All Enemies, Foreign or Domestic

Posted 2005-02-14 15:30:13

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Geez Ron, you slapped that libbypuke so hard he’s gonna feel it next week!


Posted by: VRWC#1member – putzo, has an affection for sheep

Posted 2005-02-14 15:29:58

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I stand corrected. The man just posted Ron’s post. Maybe I jumped to conclusions. He may have been at lunch.


Posted by: therjnel – ISayGodBlessTheUSA, IfYouDontWantHimToLeave

Posted 2005-02-14 15:27:07

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Ron, request a refund!! LMAO


Posted by: Staci – Miami, FL

Posted 2005-02-14 15:26:49

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Just left him another post. Saw your’s Ron. Hehe. That guy has no idea what is hitting him. Did you see where he said I wasn’t debating but accusing? I mean I was called a hater, a conservative jihadist, and he has even stooped to using profanity and threats on his own blog sites. Yeah, real professional there. Darn, wish nicedoggie was up. Wait till I let them know.


Posted by: Staci – Miami, FL

Posted 2005-02-14 15:25:01

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The man has definitely gone dark. Been about an hour since he last posted. Maybe its like the Miller-Garofalo scenario. Maybe Staci brought him to tears and he can’t reply anymore.


Posted by: therjnel – ISayGodBlessTheUSA, IfYouDontWantHimToLeave

Posted 2005-02-14 15:14:18

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I saw it. Man, that fool Mitch is a glutton for punishment.


Posted by: TexasPatriot – LiberalsAreBeavers, ConservativesAreHawks

Posted 2005-02-14 15:12:13

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Nick …

Here ya go:

Loser gets StaciBombed


Posted by: AmericanRight – Against All Enemies, Foreign or Domestic

Posted 2005-02-14 15:01:38

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Ron, Jim, what thread or site are you on? I don’t wanna miss the fun seeing a lib or poser squeal and try and run….


Posted by: TexasPatriot – LiberalsAreBeavers, ConservativesAreHawks

Posted 2005-02-14 14:59:33

Your IP Has Been Logged


62 replies on “A right-wing hit squad walks into a bar…”

This is my first visit to your blog. I read the other link you included in this post and it just amazed me at how idiotic the people on the right can be when aroused.
Reason just slides right off their cromagnon like foreheads.
Anyway…nice blog and excellent commentary. I will be adding you to my RSS collection. Thanks to Doc Searls for pointing you out. 🙂

Hey Mitchie, you see we’re braving it to your neck of the woods. Come over to our site, I dare you. Chicken…. buck buck buck buck……
Typical liberal two faced shit. You say you’re so better and everyone else is part of some bogus conspiracy. Stop drinking your Sterno and we’ll stop drinking ours.
Oh wait, we don’t drink your Kool Aid, that’s right.

Well, Rob, I think you’re generalizing. I think the chat transcript, where you are not a participant, stands on its own. Amid that flow of typed diarrhea there were certainly some worthwhile discussions going on.
But I have to say that even today on that thread, you’re not responding to my pointing to information with a thoughtful reading of thoses sources or any fact-checking of your own, you’re just coming back with questions designed to confuse, which you aren’t succeeding at. I’d really like to see some of the folks who claim they are fact-checking reality actually do a little of it.

Whatsamatter, Bitch Shitcliffe?
Can’t take the pressure? Afraid of WORDS?
You are a whiney little chickenshit, afraid to post the comments of people you insult.
Nutless bastard.

Texan—Gosh, it’s like kindergarten all over, again. What site? Make a case why, given your childish taunting, it would be worthwhile to spend even a moment on your site?
I challenge you to demonstrate where I’ve said I’m “so better” or that “everyone else is part of some bogus conspiracy.” Typical for you guys, you’re generalizing rather than dealing with specific ideas. Why? Because your view of the world doesn’t fit into normal reality.
If the transcript demonstrating the a group of people were posting in concert isn’t a fact, I don’t know what is. This is a situation where we have the tape but you still won’t own up to your actions. Talk about hypocrisy.

I’m confused Mitchie-Poo. You rail against TeaxanPatriot’s “childish taunting,” yet you post the following about ALL conservatives,”and anyone with a brain is on the river, just good targets for the slack-jawed pigfuckers in the hills. These inbred neocon dolts swill their self-consumed banter like it was droll wit and hope to find another Ned Beatty to bugger.”

The height of hyprocrisy.

Fuck you Mitch, you asshole. There you go, generalizing. I take offense to your Deliverance analogy. You say that everyone who is a conservative is a dim bulb inbred goon? Kindergarten? It’s called a joke, you condescending bastard. Take one for a change. Also, I may get booted, but how dare you act like you are so much better. You and your stupid minority can all secede from the Union and leave. You’d do us all a favor by leaving. Those conservative and red state fools you denegrate do most of the work in this country. You do nothing! You contribute nothing. Go get on your high horse and go screw yourself you degenerate. You are what is wrong with America, not us, shithead.
Your Newest Enemy

Jim—Let’s go to the tape. I did not say that about “ALL conservatives,” I said it about hit squad wingnuts. Here is what I said about conversatives more generally:

I’d love to see a real conservatism return to our shores, one that valued other Americans as highly as it did its own supporters. I’d welcome those conservatives, ferchrissake.

I’m just waiting for the real conservatives, who led the Republican party before the neocons began undermining conservative thought, to show a little backbone. Then, there would be the beginning of a real debate about the direction this country is going. See Christie Todd-Whitman’s new book about this topic. As it is, the center and left of the Republican party is just as spineless as any Democrat in the face of the irreality-based community sitting in the White House and guarding the Bush flanks in the press room and on the Web.
The height of hypocrisy is failing to admit that it is perfectly reasonable to dish out what one has been served by wingnuts. I’m not going to sit here and let these people get away with killing America without a fight and, frankly, my posting is actually tinged with humor where the Famous Idiot folks’ comments have been pedantic and rude, not to mention unconcerned with any of the issues I was raising.

Real Conservatism- to this guy is Nazis and KKK and people shoving themselves and other people up animal orophuses… To this guy, we are fly over country. To this West Coast recluse, we are the untouchables. Nice caste system the liberals have in their area. There’s them, the enlightened philosopher kings, and every other peon. Tell you what, Mitchie, why don’t you just say F— ALL THE RED STATES, AND F— THEIR PEOPLE! That’s what you want to say and believe in. I dare you to venture into the heart of a Red State and spew that tripe here. Go to Houston, TX, or Missouri, or The South, or Midwest, or even Utah and you will find many who take offense to your bigoted premise. There are many who would enjoy a serious “laying on of hands,(and fists)” after being called incestuous bestiality purveyors. Of course, you could care less. We’re fly over territory, right? Don’t matter right? Remember this, pal, 60 Million and counting nobodys voted in George W Bush, when the supposed majority, somewhere around 55 Million voted against him (not necessarily for Kerry either). Your anger and hollow words only enforce our resolve. Expect a shalacking in 2008, if you keep up your slandrous filth. Also, remember those red state idiots are bearing THE MAJORITY OF WORK HERE and THE MAJORITY OF THE CASUALTIES INSURING YOUR RIGHT TO BELITTLE EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH YOU.

Jim—In a nutshell, a T. Roosevelt conservatism. It values people over corporations, individual rights over security, the small business over the large business, investment in the infrastructure of opportunity—schools, transportation, well regulated and transparent markets— as well as balanced use of natural resources over live-for-now consumption of raw materials and pollution output. It ensures people live in a safe environment, not just safe from terrorists, but safe in their health, their homes, religions and ideas. It tolerates and enjoys encounters with an opposition rather than paints them as disloyal. It values progress over archaic religious believes that prohibit change.
I was a Republican until 1980, when the party went off the rails fiscally and philosophically because it reverted to a pre-Teddy Roosevelt value system that favors the super-rich over everyone else. Roosevelt (and Roosevelt, for that matter) believed that the best and brightest had an obligation to serve their fellow citizen rather than subjegate them. Since 1980, the ethics of the Robber Barons came back and the dedication to equal rights that Lincoln established went out the window.
I won’t be arguing these points. It’s just a statement of the principals I’d like to see return to the Republican party.

It’s so hard to parse the words being put in my mouth and the vile hatred in TexanPatriot’s posting of 11:55 AM, that I’ll just let it stand.
But, once again, Texan…. Where specifically do I write I’m “so better” or that “everyone else is part of some bogus conspiracy” or that “Real Conservatism is Nazis and KKK and people shoving themselves and other people up animal orophuses”? Please, enlighten us?
You also make a demographic argument about the “red states,” but the fact is that there is no such thing. We live in a country of densely interconnected political ideologies and not a clean red/blue world. You also say that “red states” account for more military enlistment. Well, California is far and away the leading home of enlisted military at 12 percent of the military in 2000 and since seven percent of enlisted men and women are immigrants, we can assume that the distribution of military service is, if not in the “blue states”‘ favor, even between all regions.
I’ll thank you not to disparage the soldiers from “blue states” or any member of my family or circle of friends who have or are serving in the United States military because of what state they come from.

It’s always great to hear the true meaning of conservatism defined by a leftist. Yes a conservatism that values spending more money on schools and heavily regulating the economy. How about environmentalism that embraces coal power?
No, man, I know how you feel. I’m waiting for true liberalism to make a comeback. A liberalism that values privacy over heavy handed regulation. I’m waiting for the liberalism that values the entire Bill of Rights, including Amendments 2 and 10. I’m waiting for the liberalism that values the content of a man’s charachter over his race and vicitm statue. I’m waiting for the liberalism that offers a safety net without tying everyone to it. I’m waiting for the liberalism that stands up for America and see s it as a unique and overwhelmingly benign force in the world.

evw—I think we virtually agree on what would be a good middle ground around which liberals and conservatives could have useful debates that made a difference for ordinary people and not just major corporations and the richest one percent of Americans, who would just as soon flee the U.S. once they are done exploiting it.
That said, I’m not much of a leftist. The right has merely moved so far off the center that everything looks “leftist.” Here’s part of a short summary of T. Roosevelt’s administration:

In 1900, great economic power was concentrated in the hands of a very few men. TR fully believed that government was responsible for promoting the common welfare of American citizens and that the great industrial monopolies needed to be regulated with the public interest in mind. He was the first President to effectively assert government control over big railroad, oil, and meatpacking “trusts.” Once hearing that Roosevelt was going to Africa on a safari, the great capitalist J. P. Morgan prayed that “a lion would do its duty.”
Roosevelt was also the nation’s first environmentalist, setting aside 190 million acres for national forests, coal and water reserves, and wildlife refuges. His conflict with his chosen successor, President William Howard Taft, partly concerned Taft’s failure to adequately pursue conservation.

It’s right there. He believed in regulation on behalf of the worker and the people. A balanced environmentalism may include coal power, it must until we come up with something better, but we should be spending to find that energy source so that the rest of the world doesn’t find it first and sell it to us. That kind of national investment—in defense infrastructure and the space program during the 1960s—is why we’re talking over this network right now.
Liberalism has always stood up for America and seen it as a unique and overwhelmingly positive—not benign—force in the world; it is simply not true to state otherwise. World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Cold War were led by Democratic presidents.

Hey asshole, prove that you are personally helping in this war. At no point did I disparage the Blue States’ troops. By the way, judging by all of the “inbred pigfuckers” postings here, I’d say you opened Pandora’s Box. Reap the whirlwind, you ignorant slut.

“It values people over corporations”
A corporation is just organized people. Corporations that are healthy =s more jobs. Republicans stand for a healthy economy. Democrats stand for European style capitalism. There’s nothing wrong with that, but that’s not what the majority of this country wants.
As for the rest of your sermon, why don’t you sell that to the Democrats, who are desperately in need of a platform? I particularly like the Robber Baron part. That’s got to be an election winner in 2008 – 3rd time is usually the charm and all.

“A corporation is not just organized people when it accrues tax credits and subsidies that are not available to businesses without a lobbyist in Washington.”

So, Mitch … how long were you in business school for? Or, for that matter, how many years have you run or managed your own corporation? You’re starting to sound like a Mikey Moore type ….

Ahh Yes, Teddy “Big Stick” Roosevelt, was my favorite American Character till I learned more about a few other, more colorful and less… imposing figures. Mark Twain is among my new list.
But back to Roosevelt Conservatism… or rather the lack of it. It seems that it only applied so long as he was in this country, since upon ending his presidental life he went on a safari, and came back with quite a few trophies. But even before he journeyed into the “dark heart of Africa” he took quite a few other trophies! He took the Progressive label right right the shelf!
But of course this man would easily condone the speech of a man such as eason right? Hmm, perhaps not Perhaps this compasionate liberal President (Bull Moose party) would have used that awfully large stick he talked about to tell him to mind his own business and to leave the service-men out of it. But that would be interfering in the rights of the media!
Oh wait, this is the same fella who invaded Panama, not very small government huh…
Jordan can say whatever he wants to in whatever forum he wants, but he better be prepared for a famously large stick to be speaking to him. Also, he wasn’t forced to reisgn, he could have stayed on, CNN asked him to infact, but they accepted his resignation because it would have been a diaster.
Just my three cents.

Ron—You’re back! Going to mock my education a bit more? I’ll tell you what, you look into my background and explain why I wouldn’t know anything about business. It’s all on the Web. Do a little research, why don’t you?


I’m bored waiting for you to formulate some quasi-intellectual response (as I sit here repeatedly hitting post, waiting for your lame-ass delay “feature” to let me through). My point is this … You seem, in many instances, despite your authoritative tone, to speak either from ignorance or with hypocrisy. Either way, it makes your “arguments” weak … after one deciphers them, of course.

I’m sorry to say this, but I wish those “wolf-pack” pussies would bring their asses to liberal Philadelphia. This is a classic example of a group of, what I like to call, “drivebye tuff guys”. Yeah, they like to throw mud around and call people this and that name, so long as they’re safely behind their keyboards or in their cars. But I’ll be damned if most of them would have the heart to come up to me and my friends on the street and try to say this stuff.
Not all of us libearls are as patient as Mr. Ratcliffe here. Come to Philly and try to talk that yang- burb boys. You won’t be able to log my IP but you will be able to log a couple of punches to the noggin from me and mine. Or, maybe you’ll meet some of my less constrained friends on the way, either way, you know you’er a wimp, so stop bothering Mitch.

Wow, insulting Ron for being a lawyer….. How arrogant of you, you station management reject. Go back to WKRP where you belong, Les Nessman. Stay inside your tapped off fictitious office. I’d take Ron over any of your liberal associates. Well prepared? Do you think he’s gonna waste his time building a case for you? Grow up, prima donna. So Ron doesn’t list his companies, should we care? Do I care who you worked for? No. Stick to the arguments, not the personal insults on the person who challenges you on your throne.

Hey, step out for a bit and what do you know…. I get threatened with a law suit and TexanPatriot manages to post something that isn’t just curse words (I’ve had to delete his last few messages, which barely rose above grunts and epithets).
The challenge about my credentials to comment on the value and management of a corporation is a classic case of obfuscation: Accuse someone of being incompetent and, when they say “prove it,” reply that the failure to defend one’s credentials is proof of incompetence.
If you’re going to start questioning someone’s credentials, you should be prepared to present facts and that is the sole point of any comments I’ve made other folks’ professional background. One of the interlocutors on this thread was very upset that their professional anonymity was disrupted and after a long exchange of emails we’ve agreed to disagree without the bile that has been flowing here.
I hope you are still reading here, because this is actually where we might re-engage on the whole Eason Jordan thing in a constructive way that could even build a bit of a bridge. You guys came rolling into my site calling for my head because I said someone had the right to talk in a private venue about a controversial topic…. In a lot of ways, we’re all Eason Jordan these days, and when one of the posters here made my professional qualifications an issue while dispensing opinions based on his professional background, I, in turn, asked people to review his background. The subject of that subject of that revelation wasn’t prepared to be ripped out of a private enclosure, but I don’t think many people are.
We’re all public figures when we write about another person for a third-party’s attention. At the same time, I was arguing for a right to privacy because of the nature of the agreement governing the session at Davos in which Jordan made his statements. Davos is a spectacularly elitist and antiquated concept, because it is a bunch of powerful people assembling to speak from on high unchallenged by all of us unwashed types, but, nevertheless, it represents a situation where the forces of change are easily visible. As a privacy advocate of many years, I used that question as the crux of an argument about what we should expect of one another, both in terms of candor and forgiveness.
Basically, we all tried to haul one another up in front of a judge, jury and executioner and we probably ought not do that so readily if we’re going to come through this transition to a civic media together. And if we don’t make it together, well the Civil War illustrates how many Americans die when we don’t pull together.
I am confident in my knowledge of defamation law; you might read my primer about defamation for bloggers and citizen journalists if you want to make an informed criticism of my competence in that area. It could be the basis of a fact-based debate, maybe, but probably not, knowing you guys from FamousIdiot.
Just an aside, folks: I read back through about 15 pages of their chat and I am at a complete loss to understand what “civil and serious debate” might come to pass out of the liberal-hating chatter there, so I’ll pass on the repeated invitations to join the chat at that site. Unlike these guys, I have actually tried to examine some of their points; 15 pages of reading is more than enough attention to make the case for the value of participating in a community—by contrast, I would point out that those guys seem to see some value in posting here. There’s just no one home, though Rob is right that there is substance to the Oil-for-Food scandal; it’s just that he refuses to acknowledge the scandal includes the Bush White House, because no American media seem intent on reporting that fact—which is a strange way of trusting a source selectively, if you ask me.
At least I do my research. It’s arrogant—since you guys really like that word—of you all to raise questions about my qualifications to make judgments when, so far, every time we’ve engaged and I have pointed to evidence through links, you’ve said “I don’t have time to read this” or “I won’t read it, it’s not relevant.” It would be interesting to see if you do in fact have ESP, since you seem to be able to see these documents through some power of remote viewing and judge that you don’t actually need to read them.
I’m done with this thread, at this point. Too much else to do that adds value to the world. After an exchange of emails, Ron has his privacy back, but I think we all need to get used to the harsh glare life as a public figure.
Finally, I’ll be at SXSW in Austin next month (yeah, I know, you think it’s too hippy-dippy…, but I am speaking there, so I’ve got to be worse than hippy-dippy). You come on by and we can either get into a fight or have a beer, whichever and I’ll even buy the first round, because I’m tired of this foolish engagement at this point. Bring TexanPatriot, my “new enemy” along and maybe he can try to kill me if he hasn’t called his buddies up here to put the hit on this “seditionist.”

Michael, what part of Texas are you from, just out of curiosity? You certainly aren’t from the part that makes it great. When you quote Bugs Bunny, it shows you weren’t just running out of ammo you had none left, did you Flunky Boy? Mitch, we’ve been over this, you’re a schmuck for picking a fighting with an attorney and labeling everyone as a pigf—er. You started this fight, not us. Also, nice work banning some different thinking posters. Your concept of freedom of speech is as thin as tissue paper. You’re a hypocrite, so live with it.

Texan—You’re a real piece of work…. I started this thread, but you guys started the war on another posting. As for banning, the only things I’ve banned were a few absolutely crass comments.
Please, keep posting, I’ll keep approving them and you can just embarrass yourself, dig your hole deeper and so forth.
As for picking a fight, it doesn’t seem to me that anyone loses when we keep talking. I certainly didn’t come out the worse. You, however, seemed more inclined to pick up a gun, which is a really dumb solution and when I see a dumb pigfucker, I call ’em as I see ’em.

Hey Mitch, that really hurts. Boohooohooo (detect sarcasm shithead). Hey fuckweasel, come to Texas and say that shit. You probably won’t due to no balls and no heart. Like most of the people in that shithole you call a state, you are out of touch with reality and wouldn’t know real Americans if they kicked your ass. Which we can, which we will, if you keep it up. Tell you what, stay in your coffee sucking, American hating corner of dreck, and we’ll stay here in sunny Red State Land. Fuck off, and eat shit.
Also, you’d have no traffic on this site were it not for the pissed off conservatives you condescending asshole. By the way, I dare to call your states’ troop proportions as minor compared to all the dead from the Midwest, The South and even California. When our dead come home, we give them a proper welcome. Up in Oregon they line the streets with assholes spitting on coffins. Is your throat dry from all the graves you spit on.
You’re as much an American as Michael Moore is thin. No embarrassment here. By the way, the right wing hit squad, which is growing, is getting a chuckle out of your sidestepping and pontificating.

Tex—I’ll be down there next month. You come on by and we’ll see who’s got the courage to speak that way.
The shithole I call a state? Hmmm. Gosh, we’re going to have to really reexamine our whole existence, what with the 50/50 Rep./Dem. split here, it’s almost like we’re not a democracy after your cutting remarks.
I dare you to prove that people spit on a coffin around here. PROVE IT, you American-hating neocon. I blew your “Red states send more troops than Blue states” statement out of the water with real facts and so you come back with this shit. PROVE ONE WORD OF THAT CRAP YOU’RE SPEWING. You’re pretty good at making up stories, but it’s all been fairy tales so far.
As for your hit squad, your “best” back off pretty fast when someone stands up to them…. I’ll take my traffic over yours any day, Tex.

Hey, Bitch Ratfuck, prove we fuck pigs, otherwise go back to slamming your mom. Our traffic does not suck anywhere near as much as yours, you NorthWestern Pussy. Come to Texas, with that shit talk, asshole. Come to Houston, if you dare. I’ll be waiting for you…….. E-mail if you got the nuts, motherfucker.
By the way, more Texans and Californians have died than you coffee shop rejects. That Sergeant Anderson fucktard is a traitor from your area. Something to be proud of. By the way, at no point did I say ALL RED STATES HOOFED MORE TROOPS than You, you disrespectful fuck.
Prove your shit, or shut the fuck up.
Have a conservative day.
Signed, Conservative Hitsquad Goon with a bead on your fat ass.

Well, the slack-jawed yokel is back…. First off, Tex, I told when I’ll be in Texas, but I don’t make side trips to step in shit.
As for traffic, Google me and Google your pathetic little site and we’ll see who’s hurting for traffic. A misspelling of my name produces more hits than the little band down there in Texas.
Read it and weep, TexanSquealer.
Next, let’s go to the tape:
Tex wrote: Those conservative and red state fools you denegrate do most of the work in this country.
I looked at just one aspect of this question, service in the military (he’s wrong about the amount of work/economic value created by the Red states, too): You also make a demographic argument about the “red states,” but the fact is that there is no such thing. We live in a country of densely interconnected political ideologies and not a clean red/blue world. You also say that “red states” account for more military enlistment (sic, I should have said, “Let’s look at military enlistment”). Well, California is far and away the leading home of enlisted military at 12 percent of the military in 2000 and since seven percent of enlisted men and women are immigrants, we can assume that the distribution of military service is, if not in the “blue states”‘ favor, even between all regions.
At NO POINT DID I SAW WASHINGTON STATE TROOPS DO MORE, I dispelled the notion the Red states account for the majority of work that makes America great…. So, there you go.
Now, what the fact a traitor was based at Fort Lewis has to do with anything is beyond me.
Finally, everything I’ve written, Tex, is backed by facts, not bluster. Here’s your proof about the pigs: Look in the mirror.
You’re still lost in space, haven’t scored a single point here, and if you draw a bead on me, be ready for the shit that is going to rain down on your head. Hard shit rain, you dolt.

Alamo had back doors, sides, exits, no one took those exits, unlike you pussies. They all died, minus a few women and kids who were spared. Remember the Alamo, damn right we do. Shithead. What last stands did you pussies make in Washington? None. Who owned your asses? The British and Russians on and off until the mid 1800s. Enjoy being a bitch for the left, while we Red States remain free men and women. Do cecede from the Union, it will make the US easier to govern. Only thing we may miss is Starbucks, of course we can get over that.
Nice attempt at trying to get me pissed.
You have yet to see me pissed. Sissy boy.

The Lemur isn’t from these parts, TexSqueal, he’s from somewhere deserty.
Wow, Texan, you’ve really blown a temporal lobe about the state of Washington. Named for the father of the country, accounts for more patents than Texas, higher personal income than Texas and even though we rank behind Texas in exports, we are number-four in the United States—you’d miss more than the coffee.
I have no idea what all the prattle about the British and Russians have to do with anything (dude, read a little history, Russia owned Alaska, not Washington. And an Alaskan can kick the shit out of a Texan any day). Owned our asses? Also a matter of history: Did you ever hear of the Oregon trail? This land was settled just like yours.
For a guy who declares his love of country, you sure are eager to see it broken up. Had Lincoln taken that stand toward the South, there’d be no Union. Americans fight to keep this country together, they don’t stamp their feet and demand it be broken up.
Maybe what you’re saying, when you refer to our not being free up here is that you’d like to make us do what you want, which is nothing but slavery. You’re so unAmerican it’s amazing your friends at FI don’t toss you out.
So, Tex, I’d have to say you are the traitor here, because, besides making felonious threats, you’re advocating the destruction of the Union. Hmm, who else has recently fought to break up the Union? Well, that Anderson kid was going to sell out the Union, for one.
And, again, your threats are nothing but comedy and evidence, so try to pack some of that brain that just boiled out of your head back into your skull and calm down before write again.

To this guy, we are fly over country.
Face it – you *are* flyover country. Reading your posts indicates you have nothing worthwhile to contribute, whatsoever. You’re economic roadkill.
There’s them, the enlightened philosopher kings, and every other peon.
It’s called “education”. They have it, and you don’t.
Remember this, pal, 60 Million and counting nobodys voted in George W Bush,
Morons voting for a chimpanzee. No wonder the rest of the world is laughing at America.
Also, remember those red state idiots are bearing THE MAJORITY OF WORK HERE
Actually, the Red States are a bunch of tax-sucking welfare queens. Why don’t you get off your lazy cracker asses and actually earn your keep? The rest of America is tired of carrying you, you lousy parasites.
Wassamatter, too stupid to go AWOL like Dubya?

Mitch, Mouse, fuck the both of you. I don’t brag on shit, like you liberal assholes do. No one gives a flying fuck what you think. You matter less than dried chunks of shit. This will be last post you get, you fucking worm.
Who’s flyover turf? You tow are, fuckwads.
Have a conservative day.
Yeah, your seditious bullshit is so fucking constructive for America. FUCK YOU.

Ah, TexSqueal, you are the finest example of a pot calling a kettle black in recorded history. You’ll be in the dictionary for both the words “mindless” and “reactionary.” The “shit” started with you neocons two days ago, and when you got called on it you barked like chihuahuas.
Golly, you aren’t going to post anymore? Do you think anyone will miss you? Adios, don’t let the keyboard hit you on the head on the way out….
Two days of this and you vanish, as predictable as the tides. Mouse used your words against you and you run after all the sermons about how my words didn’t hold up. Well, we’ll all be here when you get the nerve up, again.

Used words? Any junior high kid can lie, which you do very well. I choose not to come back, so I can upgrade my site, asstard. By the way, I expect not to come back here anymore. I have better use for my time. See, our conservative goons are planning Storm Trooper Night and we gotta polish our boots and starch our armbands…..
Bye asshole. I won’t be back again, a pleasure for the both of us. FYI- if you don’t make sidetrips for shit, then why did you make that sidetrip to suck Howard Dean off?
That’s it, I’m gone. Tip your waitress here! Tip, shave your beard asswipe! You look like Michael Fuckin Moore. Oh, I didn’t intend on stating much here. Just to prove a point, you are all just as sneaky and personal and evil as anyone else. Hell, you’re worse. You’re little e-mail proved it.
Come to Houston, if you dare, Ass Taco.
Gone for Good,
Texan Patriot
(a real Patriot!)
By the way, did I mention 4 MORE YEARS!, yet?

And, yet, here you are again…. Tex. Kind of sad. Really sad. It’s clear that it just eats you up that someone whose ideas you don’t like actually gets a bigger audience and makes a living while expressing those opinions.
Interesting point you make and one I agree with: “You are all just as sneaky and personal and evil as anyone else.” Well, yes, absolutely, because this is one patriotic American who won’t back down in the face of bullying—it was a commenter who started with the labels and hatred in that other thread. It started with the very first comment on my Eason Jordan posting and went on from there:

From “Samuel Clemens:”
You’re not even worth 1 minute of my time so I’ll make it short and bitter(for you).
It wasn’t freedom of expression you dolt…
it was a lying statement of made-up facts !
Now crawl back into your hole !

I called “Sam” on that on it, daring him to speak that way in person, and you didn’t like it. The FI crew came rolling in here with a vengeance, tossing out accusations and nonsense that, so far, when refuted, is then replaced with new nonsense and accusations. All beecause someone stood up to the bullying. This is a blog, not a newspaper, so hey, you got a personal response. This is my place to say what I think and battle the goons who show up. Get used to it, because I am here to stay.
I think that when the opposition is going to start and stay in the gutter that dipping into the gutter while using facts and reason to make a greater point is the best response. I’ve presented dozens of facts in response to your spew and not once do you reply; instead you dig up some new insults. You’re full of bluster, you’re human and, yes, we’re both just as deeply flawed as anyone else.
The problem, Tex, is that you don’t see that about yourself but you point it out all the time about others. You don’t respect other Americans, which is unAmerican. We’re human, not gods, though you seem to think that you can damn anyone who doesn’t agree with you.
At least, I’ve tried in every posting to raise the discussion out of the gutter. When fighting a culture war, as the neocons like to characterize this whole debate, you should expect some fight back.
By the way, except for Wil, who was banned briefly since he doesn’t see to know any polite language at all, no one is or has been banned, though I know that’s the convenient excuse you guys are using for backing down. Unregistered comments will never be allowed through unreviewed, because of comment spam, though you can register with TypePad and your comments will be posted immediately.
When you’ve got some facts and not just another package of stupidity, come on back. In the meantime, you know when I’ll be in Texas; I’m coming 1,800 miles and if you’re such a confident debater you can come that last couple hundred miles to demonstrate your intellect. I know you don’t have the nerve to speak that way to someone in person; guys who write like you do never have backbone face-to-face. We can talk, you can go ballistic, but I’ve shown you I don’t back down already.

By the way, did I mention 4 MORE YEARS!, yet?
Did we mention the 22nd Amendment yet?
Inbred cracker moron.

You want to dispatch someone to their own little world? Come on down and try, big boy. Your smug self satisfaction is laughable. Unfortunately, you dont have a clue as to how the real world operates, nor to just how foolish you look when you open your mouth and spew your idiocies. You call others views moronic, you call people troglodytes, you say “These people need to be dispatched to their own little world, because their egos are pushing the rest of us out of this one. I’d love to see a real conservatism return to our shores, one that valued other Americans as highly as it did its own supporters. I’d welcome those conservatives, ferchrissake.”
Its not the egos of the dissenters that are pushing you out of this world, it is your own liberal, factless stupidities. try taking off the blinders, viewing the facts for what they ARE, without your beloved journalists having to “interpret” them for you. You sir have a mindless view of the world, and are unworthy of further response, OR further time. (However, my earlier invitation to you still stands… I shall repeat it here, in case you are too friggin STUPID to realize what I mean “You want to dispatch someone to their own little world? Come on down and try, big boy”). Get a clue, FUCKWAD

Well, gee, Wes, you seemed to have a brain when you commented a few minutes ago over here.
You’re free not to read or post to this site, so do it. But you guys all seem set on being a vocally stupid as possible. Why is that? I used the Deliverance image to make a point about the behavior of a small group of people acting out in my comment thread, but now you guys are performing the Broadway version. You should stop commenting here, if you really mean this site isn’t worth your time, because you’re embarrassing yourselves, not me.
As for “dispatching someone,” I mean we need to ignore you twits and get on with recovering some of the intelligence and courage with which this country has been governed in the past—that is, specifically, the willingness to tolerate differences of opinion. You obviously mean something else, which is exactly why, when unchallenged, people like you are so dangerous.
You, like your friends who have been here before, are a blowhard cowardly small-minded person who, if actually faced with someone willing to stand up to you would be scared. I am coming to Texas and I welcome the opportunity to debate you in person if you care to come by, but like I told TexSqueal, I don’t go out of my way to step in shit.

You obviously need no one else to embarrass you, you do a fine job of that all by your little lonesome self, which, judging from the amount of hits on your blog here, is self evident.

Amazingly enough you libbypukes keep espousing the same phrases, i.e. ” the willingness to tolerate differences of opinion”. Isn’t it interesting, however, that when presented with differences of opinion, especially those involving unadulterated facts, that your type curls up and starts babbling inanities and tries to denigrate the views of others by the name calling, which, from reading your previous posts,you sir, are the one who began. You can not have it both ways, you can choose to be that “Liberal” beacon who truly believes the crap you spew, or you can prove yourself for the slime-ball which you are.

As for you going “out of my way to step in shit” seems as if you have done that, and SO much more. You are more than willing to call others names, when safely ensconced behind your keyboard, yet, when others call a spade a spade, you sink knee deep in shit to uphold your view of your own self-worth.

Well… congratulations on going to Texas, maybe you will meet some people who have a free-will brain, who actually think with it, as opposed to those who use it to simply hold their heads attached to their bodies. Interesting that you seem to think that I LIVE in Texas, nowhere is that implied, unless of course, you are going by my email address. No, if you wish to have a face to face with me, you will have to come on up a little farther North.

It is very interesting that you mouth the “Liberal rhetoric” of embracing differing viewpoints and lifestyles, yet when faced with viewpoints that differ from yours, with the facts & logic behind them, that you choose to denigrate the people making those viewpoints. Could it be due to the fact that you can not refute the facts, or the logic? Seems to me, from reading your past posts that you, sir, are the one who devolves into the name calling rhetoric.

Your comment “ignore you twits and get on with recovering some of the intelligence and courage with which this country has been governed in the past—that is, specifically, the willingness to tolerate differences of opinion”… ummm could that be back from the time before you and your buddy Al Gore invented the internet, in those glorious days of the MSM when people only got the message espoused by the MSM and had no basis for fact checking or for finding opposing views? back in the days when the Silent Majority was just that, SILENT, back before the days when we had the ability to refute your left wing garbage for what it is and wake up the actual THINKING people (you know, the same ones who for the past 3 electoral cycles have thrown your liberal views to the nearest waste receptacle)? Isn’t it amazing how your “willingness to tolerate differences of opinion” only goes insofar as to where the differences of opinion conjoin with your party line, that when they differ, you people are willing to do everything you can to quash the voices of dissent? Oh so sad… this isn’t yesteryear, liberalism does not have free reign. Goose-stepping went out of fashion in Germany after WW2 and in the USA, after the advent of the internet!

Have a good day, Mitch!

Now… isn’t it interesting… Mousey boy there using this to prove some kind of point… now, since the majority of the population actually LIVES in those RED states, and when you include all the RED counties in the “so called BLUE states”… well… you get the idea, outside the highly populated, undereducated liberal bastions, yeah you know, the “cities” with all the high welfare areas, you know, the “hoods” where they all get the welfare money…. well, I didnt want to go there, but since Mousey boy (how appropriate a name) brought it up, seems to be totally turned around on he/she/it… since the majority of the actual wage earners, the majority of the actual working americans actually LIVE in those red states… btw, for those blue staters who were talking about secession after the election… ROTFLMAO… have fun STARVING, who the HELL do you think grows your FOOD, dumbasses!!!!!!!!!

Wes—The goose-stepping in Germany started with guys who supported conformity to a national ideology and the wiping out of political opponents, not to mention a little thing called genocide. Fortunately, liberalism in the United States, which served as the armory of the world and the source of vast armies, was there to stop it.
How does arguing with someone constitute not tolerating them? It is tolerance to say to someone that you’ll discuss something with them without beginning with a call for their obliteration or abuse; if you look back at the responses here and on the posting this one is about, the violence and hateful language started with you guys. And, just like in Germany, the death threats started flying when someone stood up to you. But, thankfully this isn’t Germany and never will be.
Could you explain where you got the idea that I ever claimed to have invented the Internet? Of course, if the Internet sent goose-stepping liberals out of power, according to your logic, that would be a good thing.
Silent Majority: Yes, there is a big middle ground in American politics and little slivers of the extreme right do love to think they are fully supported by that middle. But the fact is, the middle shares only the smallest portion of the neocon ideology. It’s going to swing back and when it does, you won’t have to endure the kind of attack tactics the little klatsch I’ve been at war with here deploys against liberals in the wake of a narrow electoral victory. Your jobs will be safe, you won’t be put you on public trial in blogs and hear demands that you step down from your job because of the ideas you express online.
Self worth: No, I’m merely point out that when you guys say “judging from the hits on your site” and maker other inaccurate statements, I offer proof that you’re wrong. It’s called pride in one’s work; after all, I’ve spent more than 20 years as one of the people you hate, a journalist.
Compared to the site where these attacks were launched, my site is vastly better trafficked and linked to. You can’t say anything about the hits on my site, because the logs are not public, so that’s about it for the evidence in support of your statement. And facts are what these folks have been demanding from journalists. So, there you are.
As for name-calling, I’ll give you as good as you get. In my last posting, when I called you “blowhard cowardly small-minded person who, if actually faced with someone willing to stand up to you would be scared” I was replying to you calling me “STUPID” and a “FUCKWAD.” As far as a scorecard goes
Let’s see, in the last two postings, you called me a “libbypuke” and a so I reiterate that I don’t go out of my way to step in shit.
I have engaged you politely in another thread, because, so far, you’ve refrained from hateful language or such creative words as “fuckwad.” On that thread you are, however, pretty full of a “smug self satisfaction (sic)” to take a phrase from you.
If I mistook you for living in Texas, sorry about that, but you follow a long line of Texan posters who have used the same language, so since you have chef_tex in your email address I assumed you are down there, too. The Deliverance analogy was applied specifically to them, not the whole conservative population and if you read back you will see I have gone to great pains to make that clear. Nevertheless, conservatives spoling for a fight are saying I made a sweeping generalization and come swooping in with their hateful language, sweeping generalizations and epithets directed at liberals.
Now, you’ve posted several times since first saying I am “unworthy of further response, OR further time,” but you keep coming back. So, look, if you want to publish another sermon about the evils of liberalism, you go right ahead, but it doesn’t make your case, because the idea of a tolerant argument does not include wanting your opponent wiped from the face of the earth. If you’d like to actually respond to any of the points I’ve made here, please do.

Gawd, Wes, I wasn’t even done with one reply when you’re back with another, and this particularly uninformed.
First off, a red state during the last election was approximately 30 percent Republican and maybe 29.5 percent Democratic when you account for the fact that only 60.7 percent of voting age citizens turned out. About 40 percent of the population is still, to use your term, Wes, a silent majority.
Back to the tape: “the majority of the actual wage earners, the majority of the actual working americans actually LIVE in those red states…”
Brrrnnnng! Wrong! The majority of employed persons is still located in the blue states. The population of the red states is growing, but the blue states still lead and population gains won’t necessarily translate into more employment, it could be that the poor are moving where they think the jobs are, meaning the population flow of the early 1900s into the cities is reversing and everyone is leaving, not just the good working folks Wes would like to imagine.
But, wait, you know what? The red states receive far more money from the federal government than they pay to it, while the blue states send most of the money. Except for New Mexico, the top 10 net recipient states for federal aide and subsidies flow into red states. Seven of the top 10 states receiving less in federal money they they pay in taxes are blue states.
Were the blue states to secede, which Wes suggests below—which I am not advocating in any way, I believe in this country—the red states would actually be left hanging.
And, finally: “btw, for those blue staters who were talking about secession after the election… ROTFLMAO… have fun STARVING, who the HELL do you think grows your FOOD.”
Brrrrnnnng! Wrong, again. There are many commodities that the red states produce more of, but California alone could feed most of the blue states.
The problem with Wes’ generalization about the overwhelming economic force of red state agriculure is this: Say the country broke up…. How will red states pay for the stuff they want, like, to pick some trivial-seeming but quite expensive creative products, TV shows, financial services (not one major stock or commodity market is located in a red state), computer software? They would suddenly find themselves both without the federal subsidies for their farms and competing with other agricultural markets for the blue states business. The red states’ agricultural output would quickly be consumed in trade at lower prices than they can get today.
So much for the sweeping generalizations from Wes this evening.
I’m sure he’ll be back. Let’s see if he even acknowledges the facts.

Tex, if the site’s for real, which I seriously doubt, it is not something I would support. Based on checking the domain registration information (obscured by a registration proxy service) that expires in a year, and the “pwned” link on the page, it is seems to be a hoax.
Since it logs the IP address of visitors just like FI does, it looks like it may be running on the same system FI’s chat is, which suggests it may be something set up by you guys just for the purpose of having a straw man to lob things at. Call me suspicious, but it’s a striking similarity between the sites.
But, Tex, if you don’t care about facts, what are you doing here? None of you guys ever acknowledges facts even though you ask for them all the time; it’s always on to the next thing. If you stayed on one topic for two postings—other than the fact liberals are fuckwads, that is—it would be surprising.
Are we going to begin a tour of the sites you hate and love now to see if they pointage out of here? They won’t.

You say.. “The goose-stepping in Germany started with guys who supported conformity to a national ideology and the wiping out of political opponents, not to mention a little thing called genocide. Fortunately, liberalism in the United States, which served as the armory of the world and the source of vast armies, was there to stop it.”

Unfortunately, untrue, the Liberals in the US at that time, Joe Kennedy and his ilk, were the ones spouting isolationism, the ones who did NOT want the US to get involved in the “European conflict”, as it was called at the time, the exact same ones who, to this day are bemoaning the use of US forces who have/are liberated(ing) Afghanistan/Iraq, the same ones who were shouting the loudest when Pres Reagan faced down the USSR,in essence liberating Eastern Europe, the same ones who were against US forces going into Kuwait after Saddam invaded it. Also the self same Liberals of this day whom use sweet sounding terms such as ” the willingness to tolerate differences of opinion”, yet when differing opinions are presented, you do everything in your power to shut them down, i.e. the “Sinclair campaign” and others too numerous to mention.

What side was it in the recent election who was storming the offices of the opposition party, shooting off guns, beating people up, intimidating campaign workers, volunteers, et al, what side was it defacing private property, cars and homes where the owners of said property dared to place a sticker or campaign poster for the opposition? Oh yeah, that was your side, the self proclaimed party that has a “willingness to tolerate differences of opinion”.

Wes—Okay, let’s go over this one point at a time.
Joe Kennedy was one liberal, not all liberals. He was an idiot about Germany. That doesn’t make his son any less the great president he was, or his second son a powerful voice of truth in the 1968 campaign. Teddy…. eh.
If you recall during the 1976 vice presidential debate, Bob Dole, the Republican candidate, called the wars of the 20th century “all Democrat wars,” suggesting that the Republican party had stood for isolationism throughout the 1900s. Now, the Republicans picked Dole for their Presidential candidate in 1996, so we can safely assume that is a sign of their continuing desire not to be involved in overseas conflict. In fact, Dole criticized Clinton for his use of troops in Somalia during that campaign.
The reason President Roosevelt had to create the Lend-Lease program was Republican isolationism. During the 1930s, when Germany was building its arsenal, Republicans passsed several “Neutrality Acts” that prevented American involvement in attempts to back down Hitler. Republican senators resisted giving the ships and other materiel to the British to fight the Germans, so Roosevelt came up with Lend-Lease.
Wendell Wilkie, the 1940 Republican candidate for president led a long campaign to get his party to abandon isolationism.
Reagan “faced down the USSR”: No, he didn’t, Communism expired of its own internal disease during the tenure of Reagan and Bush I, but they didn’t face it down. Reagan gave a key speech that gave Eastern European activists hope, but he didn’t send them any material aide. In fact, let’s look at Afghanistan. When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, we pulled our athletes out of the Olympics.
The real facing down of Communism was a bi-partisan effort that included Reagan and Bush I, but also Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy (who did the most important facing down of the Soviets), Johnson (who made a tragic escalation of Vietnam thinking it would check Communism), Nixon (who was a master at non-military tactics for checking Communism) and Carter.
The problem with the war you are touting as a liberation is that it is a sham to cover the Bush Administration’s failure to do the real job in Afghanistan, being conducted on a stage—Iraq—that only positions our troops for a widening conflict.
Few liberals objected to the invasion of Afghanistan, because it clearly harbored the organization that conducted the 9/11 attacks, not to mention was run by a group of sadistic thugs. Problem is, we neither completely removed the thugs in Afghanistan—anyone who looks at a map of “government-controlled” areas in the country can see that we left the job unfinished—nor, oh, yeah, where the heck is Osama bin Laden?
The Sinclair campaign was a violation of the laws of election laws, simple as that. When Dan Rather used documents that he later admitted were forgeries, the right got his head a platter. But when a television network tried to use its market presence to force propaganda into American homes and people complained, you guys label them “enemies of freedom.” I’d like to see you provide a few other examples of shutting down the voice of citizens conducted by liberals, because I’d wager they all have to do with shutting down illegal activities, like cross-burning.
I don’t know where all this abuse happened during the 2004 election. You’d think it would be widely reported by bloggers, who could have covered every one of those incidents in detail, provided pictures and so forth. If bloggers had that information, it would certainly have been as prominent as the Eason Jordan affair. No, that’s mostly made up. Unfortunately, stories of Republicans abusing voter registration laws to cheat Democrats and third-party voters who tried to register out of their franchise are true.
But, Wes, let me put it this way: If you find someone who is attacking Republicans for their views, please demonstrate it to me and I will do everything I can to help you stop it. Everything I can. Period.

texanpatriot – what kind of crack are you smoking? you think when you cross the border into a blue state, all of sudden folks are sitting out on the lawn with their feet up, slacking off? have you ever left texas? get a clue. we’re all in the same boat, busting ass to feed ourselves and our families.
i live in upstate, ny – plenty of farms ’round here. not too worried about food supply if bush succeeds in sending more of you red staters to die for his oil war. you seem to take a curious pride from having voted a party into office that wants to send you to die. not my bag but hey, each to his own. but don’t expect everyone to share your enthusiasm for becoming a casualty in a global game to further enrich the rich at the expense of the poor.

Fear not, Mitch my boy. I have corrections for all of your views, it’s simply a matter of finding time in my busy schedule (Yes, I work, and thanks to the improving economy ((Oh wait, wasn’t it you Dems saying how bad it was?)) I am busier than ever and do not have time for much drivel atm), but rest assured, as soon as I can make a few extra hours, I will refute your points, which actually ARE easily refuted, if you were honestly looking for the truth, as opposed to espousing your view, you could actually find the facts and truth and without distorting it, prove yourself wrong. LOLOL As if THAT will happen, But, as I said, I’ll come back to play 😀

Well Mitch, tho’t I’d comment..but Wes has done an excellent job. Since libs base their ideology on opinions let you give one…..the loud braying from the anti-war left is seriously damaging our efforts in the liberation from Islamofascism by giving them comfort and encouragement. That is the enemy within Mitch, and it is the Left. Now you know where we post…come on over…it’ll probably be a brawl…but if you have any real points to debate ….there are some there that have been truly interested in debate…….think you dissed Rob bigtime…..I’ve been there with you people on that site many times and I am so sick of what it always devolve into when debating a lib………damn , we used to laugh at Rob all the time for trying to engage in meaningful debate! but it always came down to name calling…and on occasion, when the frustration of seeing the Leftist anti-war screed getting our service men killed by encouraging the islamofascist, I come out with all the venom I can pack in a keyboard….I detest you people with all my heart and I can’t help it….I only hope that if I come face to face with any of you some compassion can be exercised…but I have come to hate you people over thew course of the last election and it’s aftermath.

Todd, so far Wes has avoided every counter-argument based on the facts, so if that’s an excellent job, you should start demanding more of people. With regards Rob, how is pointing to evidence that the Bush Administration was complicit in the Oil-for-Food scandal and, when it is completely ignored, pointing that out “dissing” someone?
The “comfort and encouragement” argument is so old and worn out that it beggars credibility. If the idea that a nation’s foreign policy is weakened by disagreements, rather than strengthened by debate over it, then democracy is impossible and we’re not liberating anyone, just transferring power.
You “hate” people like me and yet you want to see compassion exercised? Hmmm. Well, that makes no sense. How about you stop hating Americans for doing what Americans do—disagreeing with one another and talking those disagreements through without resorting to warfare—and we can talk. Whenever I get that kind of venom from folks, I dare them to stand up to it and, frankly, they seldom do. But in every case where I have met someone who is venomous online, we have had good conversations. Take it or leave it, but my offer to talk with anyone stands.
This thread and its initial subject had nothing to do with the “Leftist anti-war screed,” so motive do you have for injecting venom, again? It seems to me it’s just venom flowing from your side, which is really quite remarkable since “your side” has won every branch of government and you’re still convinced “liberals” are in charge.

whoo! I’m a Brit – am completely gobsmacked by level of right wing venom on this site. Who are these people? Are they mad? And they don’t seem to have a brain cell between them… Apologies, maybe there is just one, crying softly because it’s all alone………

This right-wing hit squad is just a straw man, right? I hope so. I’d prefer to be amused rather than terrified.

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