Business Technic

Bloglines probably has no business….

<![CDATA[Why Bloglines sold: It’s not a business. – The Jason Calacanis Weblog – If Bloglines started selling ads against our full-feeds (not the headlines of course… anyone can run the headlines and link back to us like My Yahoo’s reader does, that’s a non-issue because it bring us traffic) I would do two things: […]

<![CDATA[Why Bloglines sold: It’s not a business. – The Jason Calacanis Weblog –

If Bloglines started selling ads against our full-feeds (not the headlines of course… anyone can run the headlines and link back to us like My Yahoo’s reader does, that’s a non-issue because it bring us traffic) I would do two things:

We would sue them for breaking our terms of service which say you can’t use our feeds for commercial purposes.

I would replace the full-feeds that Bloglines loads and replace them with a special feed that shows users the headline and in the body of the blog post says “Weblogs, Inc. feeds do not support Bloglines, for a full-featured blog reader that allows you to read the full-feed of INSERT BLOG NAME HERE please consider using Newsgator, My Yahoo, and Google Feedreader.

Jason and I have our differences about business models, but we both agree that what we produce (or our writers produce, as I have a publishing venture with a staff, too) is not available to anyone to exploit for commercial purposes.]]>