<![CDATA[Feld Thoughts: The Me Too Zone:
Every emerging market hits a point where there is a mad rush of early stage entrepreneurs and VC’s piling in. In some cases, it drives rapid innovation; in most it creates near term over-saturation, lots of irrational financings, and plenty of carnage as the laws of Darwin play out over the next couple of years.
I’m afraid we just hit that point with RSS / Blogging. The meme has spread broadly – which is great. Now we’ll watch all gods children pile in to try to get something up and running in this “space” (more on the fallacy of “space” in an upcoming blog). Again – nothing wrong with this – it’s the natural dynamic of an early emerging market, but anyone that is experienced (and still has their long term memory intact) knows how it plays out for so many companies, entrepreneurs, and investors.
There’s a lot of truth to this, yet there is also a lot left undone in organizing and understanding the explosion of knowledge accessible to us through the Net. It’s not that we’re going to run out of gas, but that the inevitable glut of RSS investments will lead to a decline in confidence that could reach many other areas currently being lumped together in the catch-all description “content,” which is all the rage among VCs right now.]]>