Howard Dean, the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Richard Perle, arch-neocon suspect businessman and architect of the invasion and occupation of Iraq debated in Portland, Oregon last night.
Dean said that “Defense is a lot broader than swaggering around saying you’re going to kick Saddam’s butt.”
Perle took the gloves off (have Perle’s gloves ever been on) and shouted something about how the Democrats “looked at the Democratic Party and chose a physician to lead them.” Ouch!
Overall, Dean seemed to take the debate. The turning point may have been when a man threw a shoe at Richard Perle, yelling “Liar! Liar!” Police carted the man away, but the point had already been made.
This is the kind of aggressive encounter that we need more of. Dean debating Perle. Democrats in Congress standing up for themselves. We must be aggressive. We must be strong. We can’t waiver again.
If it isn’t clear, this site is a waiver-free zone. Neocon bullies get no passes.]]>
One reply on “Building resistance”
My blog partner and I attended the debate. We both found it fascinating and enlightening.
If you’re interested in reading about the more substantive parts of the debate, we’ve blogged on it here: