<![CDATA[MercuryNews.com | 02/22/2005 | Bloggers’ Internet obsession:
For some, keeping a blog subtly colors every aspect of life. Renee Blodgett carries a digital camera wherever she goes to capture images for Down the Avenue (www.downtheavenue.com), which mixes notes on San Francisco, technology and poetry. She walked into a cafe recently and caught herself paying attention to the colors, sounds and people. “I was thinking how I could turn it into a post,” said Blodgett, who is in her mid-30s. “Before, I’d just sit down, have my bowl of soup and zone out.”
Obsession is the mother of invention and creativity. What the whole article is about is the writerly approach to life. We’re learning to compose as naturally as we talk, though the two have been alien for most folks throughout history.]]>