<![CDATA[The New York Times > Technology > For a Start-Up, Visions of Profit in Podcasting:
Last week, Audible.com, which in 1994 pioneered the idea of using the Internet to download audio books and other audio material to personal computers, said that it would soon join the podcasting movement. The company, whose business currently includes distributing popular radio programs like “Car Talk” on a subscription basis over the Internet, now says it intends to make its software and distribution system available to people who want to produce their own podcasts.
“When I started Audible and we started signing up radio partners, people would ask me, ‘where does your technology leave radio?,’ ” said Donald Katz, Audible’s chairman. “Now it’s clear that the creative capacity that is out there greatly outstrips the capacity of the radio pipeline.”
But he also warned that podcasting has become the Internet buzzword of the moment and so is at risk of being overhyped. “Podcasting is drafting on the magic surrounding the word iPod,” he said.
This is the project I have been working with Audible on for several months. We’re going to help solve a lot of the business and navigation challenges for audio personal publishing.]]>
2 replies on “So, this is one of the big projects I'm working on….”
Does the iPod have any viable competitors?
Sure, plenty of them. But they have the name. But so did Atari, Lotus, Netscape…. iPod will be around for a long, long time, it just won’t be the only game in town.