Impolitic Life

You must read this story

<![CDATA[PressThink: In the Press Room of the White House that is Post Press: That was when I first became aware that the Bush Administration was putting an end to business-as-usual between the executive and the press. Aschroft had Secret Service agents, or others in his employ, bar newspaper reporters–including of course those at the big […]

<![CDATA[PressThink: In the Press Room of the White House that is Post Press:

That was when I first became aware that the Bush Administration was putting an end to business-as-usual between the executive and the press. Aschroft had Secret Service agents, or others in his employ, bar newspaper reporters–including of course those at the big national dailies–from press opportunities as he traveled the country arguing for the Patriot Act.

The article relates how, while it was starting to pack the press corps with Jeff Gannon and other flacks-disguised-as-press the Bush Administration was cleaning out the real reporters who asked tough questions.]]>