Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2008-12-31


twitter (feed #3) 7:56am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

New genre of art — iPhone sketches via
twitter (feed #3) 8:01am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Jaysus — things are bad when the Village Voice lays off Nat Hentoff. Nat Hentoff, a literal god of journalism.
twitter (feed #3) 8:04am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Climate news, issues and political 2008 in review. An useful checkpoint for the most important issue.
twitter (feed #3) 8:24am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@dangillmor Dan, are you in the Bay Area Jan. 14? I’m working with a company doing something you’d dig with transparency and cit.journ.
twitter (feed #3) 8:30am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@maxkalehoff Agree transparancy is an aspiration, but Chris is making laws by paraphrasing Lincoln epigrams now? Trans. must be legislated.
twitter (feed #3) 8:45am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@maxkalehoff perils of personal branding: one gets carried away and self-deluded, then self-defensive, then self-parodying
twitter (feed #3) 8:53am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Will Durst has his top 10 comedic news stories of 2008 going up shortly (the email arrived already)
twitter (feed #3) 8:59am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

A year ago I was so sick and in pain. 2008 felt like rebirth, new spine and drive to live. I’m very fortunate. Wish you all the best in 09.
brightkite (feed #4) 10:39am admin posted a photo on Mitch’s BrightKite Feed.

twitter (feed #3) 10:39am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Hanging out with John, Todd and co. at SpinSpotter – Photo:


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2008-12-30


twitter (feed #3) 9:39pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@howardlindzon re GMAC: It’s also a huge mortgage holder, which drives sense of "urgency." But it doesn’t need saving, just liquidating.
twitter (feed #3) 11:10pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

If you like baseball like I like baseball, this piece recalling the "deadball era" will entertain.
twitter (feed #3) 11:12pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

No shit, Sherlock? A tobacco company lied about the risks of smoking in China starting in the 90s!
twitter (feed #3) 11:15pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Welcome to life with a single parent, Tripp Palin(another dumb name). Plans to marry in 2009? Alaskan coy, those Palins
twitter (feed #3) 11:17pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Vanity Fair’s history of the Bush Admin. Summary: The unprepared meet the unexpected, failing to learn every time.
twitter (feed #3) 11:18pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

me go read books now. goodnight.
twitter (feed #3) 12:00pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

I’ll say this for GMAC, at least they are putting bailout money to work increasing credit.
twitter (feed #3) 12:09pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Spider monograph by 18th Century "freelance natural historian" Carl Wilhelm Hahn who founded arachnology. Beautiful.
twitter (feed #3) 12:17pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Purely because the headline is boldly nonchalant: This is what a luxury dildo factory in China looks like
lastfm (feed #8) 12:28pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:31pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:36pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:39pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:44pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:46pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 12:50pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@petershaplen with 100 million upwardly mobile Chinese women, the peasants get what they’ve always gotten in China. Mao and now.
lastfm (feed #8) 12:53pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:57pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:00pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:05pm admin scrobbled a song on On My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 1:19pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

I’ve been building a social reviews site for the Lenovo pre-load, and it’s starting to be a community about community.
twitter (feed #3) 1:21pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Get your social site or app listed and join the Discover Social Media conversation. It’s for the next billion PC users.
twitter (feed #3) 1:23pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@guykawasaki Is the Hamster food-and-poop-to-shredding ratio really environmentally friendly?
googlereader (feed #6) 3:12pm admin shared a link on My Google Reader Feed.

twitter (feed #3) 3:14pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

30 great movie opening sequences.
twitter (feed #3) 3:18pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Pegging the S&P 500 to enhance monetary intervention by central banks is going too far.
twitter (feed #3) 3:57pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@ellenfweber isolate monetary policy from investment risk. Focus on money supply, interest, inflation. Regulate markets, let them be risky.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2008-12-29


twitter (feed #3) 8:32am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

An archive of video game soundtracks from 1983-87 Via
twitter (feed #3) 8:37am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

The war has outstripped media’s desire to cover it. Not the sign of a healthy press or healthy democracy.
blog (feed #5) 9:53am admin published a blog post.

twitter (feed #3) 11:47am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Photos of nanoworlds. Looks like nature, even though we think engineering when talking "nano"
lastfm (feed #2) 12:11pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 12:15pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 12:25pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 12:31pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 12:35pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 12:37pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

twitter (feed #3) 12:39pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

upgrading to WP 2.7 makes clear how much housekeeping I need to do with my online presences
lastfm (feed #2) 12:41pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 12:44pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 12:50pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

twitter (feed #3) 12:53pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@MaryHodder Mary — there’s an option "Post my Twitterrank on Twitter" right below where you entered your login. Not *that* evil….
lastfm (feed #2) 12:54pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

twitter (feed #3) 12:59pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@MaryHodder agreed, it’s an opt-out that should be an opt-in based on the disclaimer language.
twitter (feed #3) 1:03pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@MaryHodder I’d say it’s really amateur, but evil? I reserve "evil" for serious crimes. His FAQ reads like it’s a beer-fueled class project.
lastfm (feed #2) 1:06pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

brightkite (feed #4) 1:15pm admin checked in on Mitch’s BrightKite Feed.

twitter (feed #3) 1:15pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

I’m at Hilltop Ln SW & Nyanza Rd SW, Lakewood, WA 98499, United States –
twitter (feed #3) 1:18pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@MaryHodder I think we both take seriously. Just believe we shouldn’t dilute the important words.
twitter (feed #3) 2:06pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@MaryHodder Google’s sense of "don’t be evil" is marketing speak, not a moral guideline. We should hold language to higher standards.
twitter (feed #3) 2:15pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Drug to thicken and lengthen eyelashes? This is progress? For the cost of this drug’s dev we might cure a real disease.
twitter (feed #3) 2:18pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

China continues crackdown on Charter 8 blogging, forcing blog hosts to cancel blogger accounts.
lastfm (feed #2) 2:49pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 2:54pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 2:58pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

twitter (feed #3) 2:59pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@MaryHodder u brought up Google! nevertheless, it is about language. "Evil" = "profoundly immoral and malevolent." Save it for what matters.
twitter (feed #3) 3:01pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@MaryHodder instead of falling into the trap of confirming Google’s definition. Google screws dissident blogs if in the way of its biz opps
lastfm (feed #2) 3:06pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 3:10pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 3:12pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 3:18pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 3:21pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

twitter (feed #3) 3:27pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @mashable: Top 10 Reputation Tracking Tools Worth Paying For ( ) Good to see BuzzLogic ranked #1.
lastfm (feed #2) 3:28pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 3:32pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 3:36pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

lastfm (feed #2) 3:38pm admin scrobbled a song on Mitch Music.

twitter (feed #3) 3:38pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Novelin140: Gödel hadn’t eaten the meager meal laid by him. He was dying, starved, perfectly incomplete, certain he wasn’t hungry for more.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2008-12-28


twitter (feed #3) 8:36pm Posted a tweet on Mitch’s Twitter Feed.

@raminf Dude — hardest job in the world is sushi. Next is software. The bad fiction.
twitter (feed #3) 8:37pm Posted a tweet on Mitch’s Twitter Feed.

Heraclitus #61, my take: Discernment within situations does not dwell in the aggregate, but in the particular.
twitter (feed #3) 8:39pm Posted a tweet on Mitch’s Twitter Feed.

Heraclitus #34, my take:There are processes of many kinds, human and celestial, each to its own.
twitter (feed #3) 8:47pm Posted a tweet on Mitch’s Twitter Feed.

@valdiskrebs "is no ‘truth in a pepperoni pizza’ either!" By that logic there is no truth in any human endeavor.


Business & Technology

What I've been working on…. Discover Social Media

<![CDATA[I've been doing a lot of writing lately, though not here at RatcliffeBlog. Instead, I've been building Discover Social Media, a site that will be included in all of Lenovo’s consumer PC pre-loaded software. When you get a Lenovo IdeaPad, for example, you’ll find a link on the desktop that takes you to Discover Social Media.
DSM is not designed for the social media maven, who have plenty of sites already. Rather, David Churbuck of Lenovo asked me to create a site that helps beginners get started with social networking. If you’ve heard of Twitter, but don’t know what it is, there is a brief introduction and review of the service, as well as links to sign up for the service and to client software.
The introductions to social software are just a jump-start for DSM. The real meat of the site will be user reviews and comments about social software, because the whole site will be wide open to comment and user participation when we launch during CES.
You see, Lenovo is prepping to sell laptops and netbooks to the next billion people who will begin to use the Internet during the coming years. DSM cannot be a static list of sites and services, it also needs to be flexible, especially by letting computer users talk about what they find useful as a community. If we’ve done our job right, DSM will deliver connections to others beyond the directory of services visitors can explore. And it is designed for everyone, not just Lenovo customers. We want to help, and need to help new computer users in order to remain relevant and engaged at every stage of computer use, from investigating new services to helpng others discover social media.
The site is live now, and I’d appreciate any participation on your part — join in to help people learn about all this stuff that is second-nature to we digital pioneers and natives. It will be substantially upgraded with a new design and social networking features in the next week, as well. Join the community that is going to help social media grow as a part of everyone’s life.
And I’ll get back to blogging at RatcliffeBlog more often after finishing up the 200+ articles I’ve been developing for Discover Social Media.

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