Business & Technology

What I've been working on…. Discover Social Media

<![CDATA[I've been doing a lot of writing lately, though not here at RatcliffeBlog. Instead, I've been building Discover Social Media, a site that will be included in all of Lenovo’s consumer PC pre-loaded software. When you get a Lenovo IdeaPad, for example, you’ll find a link on the desktop that takes you to Discover Social […]

<![CDATA[I've been doing a lot of writing lately, though not here at RatcliffeBlog. Instead, I've been building Discover Social Media, a site that will be included in all of Lenovo’s consumer PC pre-loaded software. When you get a Lenovo IdeaPad, for example, you’ll find a link on the desktop that takes you to Discover Social Media.
DSM is not designed for the social media maven, who have plenty of sites already. Rather, David Churbuck of Lenovo asked me to create a site that helps beginners get started with social networking. If you’ve heard of Twitter, but don’t know what it is, there is a brief introduction and review of the service, as well as links to sign up for the service and to client software.
The introductions to social software are just a jump-start for DSM. The real meat of the site will be user reviews and comments about social software, because the whole site will be wide open to comment and user participation when we launch during CES.
You see, Lenovo is prepping to sell laptops and netbooks to the next billion people who will begin to use the Internet during the coming years. DSM cannot be a static list of sites and services, it also needs to be flexible, especially by letting computer users talk about what they find useful as a community. If we’ve done our job right, DSM will deliver connections to others beyond the directory of services visitors can explore. And it is designed for everyone, not just Lenovo customers. We want to help, and need to help new computer users in order to remain relevant and engaged at every stage of computer use, from investigating new services to helpng others discover social media.
The site is live now, and I’d appreciate any participation on your part — join in to help people learn about all this stuff that is second-nature to we digital pioneers and natives. It will be substantially upgraded with a new design and social networking features in the next week, as well. Join the community that is going to help social media grow as a part of everyone’s life.
And I’ll get back to blogging at RatcliffeBlog more often after finishing up the 200+ articles I’ve been developing for Discover Social Media.

Blogged with the Flock Browser


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