Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-01-22

<![CDATA[ 10:43am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed. @jny2cornell thanks for the RTs and kind assessment of the model. There’s a relatively simple tech framework for this, too 10:47am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed. @jny2cornell but it doesn’t need any new tech — all the pieces are there. Yes, integration […]


twitter (feed #3) 10:43am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@jny2cornell thanks for the RTs and kind assessment of the model. There’s a relatively simple tech framework for this, too
twitter (feed #3) 10:47am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@jny2cornell but it doesn’t need any new tech — all the pieces are there. Yes, integration is hard, but it’s good not to have to invent.
twitter (feed #3) 10:51am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

I’m looking for a couple well-versed technology writers who want to help change the way info is vetted, and make a little money. Ping me.
twitter (feed #3) 10:55am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Can you ever get enough calcified-fetus-in-90-year-old’s-stomach stories?
twitter (feed #3) 10:56am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

China has 982 million phone subscribers and 298 million Net users, the state newspaper says.
twitter (feed #3) 11:19am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

I’m skeptical that the Turing Test determines anything, but New Scientist says computers are catching up to people.
twitter (feed #3) 11:25am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Federal Depository Libraries seek comment on draft plan for "creating informed citizenry and improving quality of life"
twitter (feed #3) 11:28am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Obama oath do-over is "a boon to speech-act theorists… an object lesson in the performativity of oath-swearing."
twitter (feed #3) 11:32am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

A post that destroys the gene<–>language connection argument. Much more research needed before any connection can stand.
twitter (feed #3) 11:34am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

The Internet is is changing newspapers, newspapers are destroying their investigative staffs.
twitter (feed #3) 11:38am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@dhmspector Dead on. Eliza’s Big Trick was the pose the Freudian question, turning everything back on the human interlocutor.
twitter (feed #3) 12:01pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@dhmspector Completely agree — NS article was presented as though a clever script is intelligence. Nonsense.
lastfm (feed #8) 12:06pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:09pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:12pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:14pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:17pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:20pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:25pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:29pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:34pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:50pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:55pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:58pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:10pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:17pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:22pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:36pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:41pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:44pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:48pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:54pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:02pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:06pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 2:07pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Yankee Group: Net video a winner in declining economy. Of course: free media rises more than paid if people have no money.
lastfm (feed #8) 2:08pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 2:08pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

New Sec. of Energy Steven Chu talks to the national labs: "Energy defining issue of our time."
twitter (feed #3) 2:10pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Scientists TELEPORT ytterbium atom over one meter.
lastfm (feed #8) 2:12pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 2:12pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Scientists TELEPORT Yb+ atom over 1 meter. Key: "measuring [a bit of quantum data] directly will destroy its fuzziness"
twitter (feed #3) 2:15pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@diogeneswsu I like that they had to "erase" the original by measuring it, to make the transfer work. Nothing from nothing, who could argue?
lastfm (feed #8) 2:16pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 2:19pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:21pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:25pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 2:27pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

"good quarter, Google." Not so good. Rev. growth declining. Bad investments hit earnings. Last qtr. of grace. Tgt: $160
lastfm (feed #8) 2:28pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:32pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:36pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:40pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:44pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:51pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:57pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:03pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:10pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:17pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:23pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:27pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:31pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:42pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:49pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:55pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 4:00pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 4:09pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

I spent five minutes just now barking at my dog. She found it exciting and confusing.


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