Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-01-23

<![CDATA[ 10:48am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed. A 100-meter picture of the same spot on a bridge over 20 days, called "We’re all gonna die." 11:11am admin scrobbled a song on My Ears. John Lennon – Well Well Well 11:24am admin scrobbled a song on My Ears. Elvis Costello – Two […]


twitter (feed #3) 10:48am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

A 100-meter picture of the same spot on a bridge over 20 days, called "We’re all gonna die."
lastfm (feed #8) 11:11am admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 11:24am admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 11:27am admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 11:33am admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 11:33am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

The Jolly Green Giant-kind and concerned with our nutrition. Take a look — he was incredibly scary, a stop-motion demon.
twitter (feed #3) 11:35am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Freddy Garcia to the Mets is a deal that makes a lot of sense. Mostly incentives for a good pitcher.
twitter (feed #3) 11:42am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@rmack interviews Ai Weiwei: Art is for life… life is political. So we have no choice. We’ve been sucked into politics
twitter (feed #3) 11:53am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@cricket1212 hey, I’m a Mariners person, painful as that is. I’d be happy to have Freddy back on those terms.
twitter (feed #3) 12:01pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Muppets go to Guantanamo Bay….
twitter (feed #3) 12:06pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Alan Mutter: We have an enormous number of reporters today, especially at newspapers, who are reporting on the obvious.
twitter (feed #3) 12:08pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

What happens to ThePrintedBlog’s business model when contributors want to be paid? Old answer to new problem: ads first.
twitter (feed #3) 12:14pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

FDIC had closed meeting about "open bank assistance transaction"
twitter (feed #3) 12:16pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) reopens public comments on policies and procedures. Comment by Feb. 18.
twitter (feed #3) 12:20pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@mikeorren access is a benefit of an open society, we need to stop playing to win benefits of freedom. Unexpected gifts break journalism
lastfm (feed #8) 12:32pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:36pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:40pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:44pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:49pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:53pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:58pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:01pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:05pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 1:11pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

#myfirstjob picking raspberries in Puyallup Valley (before migrant labor) and newspaper routes, starting the same summer, when I was 11.
lastfm (feed #8) 1:22pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:25pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 1:27pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@mikeorren you’re mixing so many examples, several are not ethical, such as receiving tickets or airfare free from the covered.
lastfm (feed #8) 1:28pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 1:29pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@mikeorren but take the whitehouse pressroom example. If it became a regular gig, and not just a gimmick, the writer will need to be paid.
lastfm (feed #8) 1:32pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 1:32pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Fascinating piece: "indigenous bioprospecting" in Kenya. The IP and community good issues boggle, but fascinating trend.
lastfm (feed #8) 1:36pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:40pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 1:44pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 1:45pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Most rewarding thing I’ve ever done, across all facets of life: Deciding to take the chance of loving completely, which was "not rational"
lastfm (feed #8) 1:47pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 1:50pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@mikeorren I can hit an apple with a bowling pin and knock it clear out of the yard. But, yes, I suspect agreement prevails. ;^>
lastfm (feed #8) 1:52pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 2:03pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

If the greatest thing we can do, love, isn’t rational, how can we rationalize social media?
lastfm (feed #8) 2:06pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:11pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:24pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:33pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:37pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 2:41pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 2:47pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@jny2cornell hehe, tell that to the people making budget decisions.
lastfm (feed #8) 2:53pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:01pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:04pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:08pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:15pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 3:15pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @xenijardin: Fox News "sexpert" says the Obamas are into "fisting." #TMI | this is where right-wing spin going?
lastfm (feed #8) 3:20pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:25pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:29pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 3:33pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 7:54pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

There’s a hard rain gonna fall


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