Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-28


twitter (feed #3) 9:18pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@bobfine Sorry I didn’t get up there today — more going on than I expected. Hope the event went well! Good to meet you at the game Sunday
generic (feed #9) 2:53am Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 2:57am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

a la carte and the Apple tablet. The catch: Application-based delivery is worse than DRM.
twitter (feed #3) 3:00am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @rmack: @isocchennai: Where would I find an IETF tshirt that shows "Political" as one of the layers of Internet Architecture?| So True
twitter (feed #3) 3:01am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

it’s so hot in the Northwest that I am working at night, sweating by day. 94F in my office this afternoon.
generic (feed #9) 4:05am Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 4:10am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Digging into Pearson’s results for e-book and FT digital insights. Was Kindle snubbed in the prezzo?
twitter (feed #3) 4:07pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Headed out to Safeco for Mariners baseball and record heat. There tonight and tomorrow, so drop by and say "hi." I’ll be the one sweating.
twitter (feed #3) 7:30pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Mariners up 1-0 after 1st. Washburn is on his game tonight. Chris Shelton — the travel gnome– spears a drive for nice double-play in 2nd
twitter (feed #3) 7:52pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @GuyKawasaki: How to not suck on Twitter: AC | How about just being yourself, not a product?


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-27


generic (feed #9) 2:28am Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 2:52am Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 3:07am Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-25


blog (feed #1) 3:40pm Will the creepy orphan conquer the world?
twitter (feed #3) 3:42pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Will the creepy orphan conquer the world? Alaskans already know the horror.
twitter (feed #3) 3:43pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @jakeludington: bring back 2009 Mariners. not sure why 2008 team showed up to play Cleveland this weekend | It was Balentien, we was key?



Will the creepy orphan conquer the world?

<![CDATA[caption id="attachment_1891" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="In nightmares everywhere"]In nightmares everywhere[/caption]]>

Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-24


generic (feed #9) 2:42pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 2:51pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-23


generic (feed #9) 3:06pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 4:12pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 4:35pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 5:29pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Assessing Amazon’s quarterly report: 783,000 Kindles sold to date #Kindle


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-22


generic (feed #9) 12:09pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 12:24pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 12:54pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 1:12pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 1:47pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@gadgetboy you are right — video cable/connector. Apple should fix free
twitter (feed #3) 4:43pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@jeffjarvis Jeff–How do you know that’s a cablevision employee? It looks like the address resolves to their commercial network, not corp.
twitter (feed #3) 4:51pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@jeffjarvis Why else? Trolling…. I wouldn’t wait all day, either, btw. No one should.
twitter (feed #3) 4:57pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @sdmeyers: Now that Amazon has bought Zappos, does that mean they can sneak in my closet and take back my shoes? | touché


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-20


generic (feed #9) 12:27pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 12:40pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 6:43pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 6:46pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @tmeyeratplay: Weird…i have never seen Starbucks ‘engage’ via social RT @JohnAByrne Most Engaged Brands | struck me2
twitter (feed #3) 6:47pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

DRM isn’t dead, it’s always regrouping #ebooks #Kindle #iTunes
generic (feed #9) 8:40pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 8:42pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Review and summary of Barnes and Noble’s e-bookstore launch. #e-books #publishing #e-reader


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-19


generic (feed #9) 5:40pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 6:08pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 6:21pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 6:43pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 6:58pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 7:00pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Amazon and apophenia–there’s more than one explanation for Amazon’s bungled customer moves. #Kindle #Amazon
twitter (feed #3) 7:02pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Some great histories of the book and printing for your reading enjoyment #publishing
twitter (feed #3) 7:11pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@alevin I have a Kindle for new and old classics, but any scholarly book needs some margins for notes and pages for flipping back and forth
twitter (feed #3) 7:38pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@alevin we’ll be sharing notes eventually, though some privately. I think the private thoughts will drive lots of future paper editions too


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-07-18


generic (feed #9) 4:42pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 4:43pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Post hoc restraint: Kindle 1984 deletions demonstrate a new risk in reading and to free debate. #kindle
twitter (feed #3) 5:36pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@wongster360 definitely a boneheaded move. if they’d stopped and thought for a second, it wouldn’t have been as bad. still dangerous
