Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-31


twitter (feed #3) 5:46pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

The Boys of October are about to become the Rain Delayed of November. Go Phils.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-30


lastfm (feed #8) 9:11pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 9:15pm admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:19am admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

lastfm (feed #8) 12:45am admin scrobbled a song on My Ears.

twitter (feed #3) 12:56pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @draccah: RT @jwikert: Why (current generation) e-readers won’t solve publisher woes: (No single-function devices)
twitter (feed #3) 1:06pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Colbert skewers Washington R-71 anti-rights referendum. Vote Yes to maintain hard-won rights, put anti-gays in closet.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-29


twitter (feed #3) 8:33am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Juice consumed (@ Starbucks – 261 5th Avenue in NYC)
twitter (feed #3) 2:21pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Sitting at LaGuardia, planes delayed. Gate agent’s funny, but the crowd’s getting dangerous.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-28


twitter (feed #3) 5:04am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Waiting for the plane to go. Headed to Manhattan. Appearing one night only. But may be much more….
twitter (feed #3) 8:28am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Snow in Denver does bode well for my dinner in New York tonight. 30 mins just to reach the gate
twitter (feed #3) 6:16pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @LindaStone: More learned re: disease in the last 2 years than in the history of man. Eric Topol #tedmed genomics proteomics & spine


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-24


twitter (feed #3) 12:47pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Hanging out visiting Bay Area dignitary (@ Harmon Brewery Co. in Tacoma)


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-23


twitter (feed #3) 11:33am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Thanks to @ gotphysics for the invitation to think with the parents at Eastside School last night!
twitter (feed #3) 11:55am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Language is the way we program one another.
twitter (feed #3) 12:05pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Bloggers making more money than ever:
generic (feed #9) 2:09pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 2:11pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

How many Kindles sold to date? Working from previous estimates, factoring in growing electronics revenue in Q3: 1.072 M
twitter (feed #3) 2:24pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @robhof: That’s just an unbelievable stock move for AMZN. What year is this? — A: Apparently, any year Jeff Bezos wants.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-22


twitter (feed #3) 10:39am admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Looking forward to the "visiting thinker" discussion at the Eastside School in Seattle tonight. Topic: Social media
generic (feed #9) 12:50pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 4:36pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Trying the $15k cup of Coffee (@ Starbucks – Madison Park in Seattle)
twitter (feed #3) 5:02pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Debuted on HuffPo w/ review of Rick Smolan’s book


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-21


generic (feed #9) 3:39pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-20


twitter (feed #3) 12:48pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Foreign Policy on the long global revolution that is TV. Good read for context about impact of media.
generic (feed #9) 3:00pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 3:07pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.’s Nook. Good, not great because of some weirdly backward features. Not a Kindle-killer, but a Kindle equal.
twitter (feed #3) 7:01pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Confirmed? Nook Wi-Fi works only in Barnes & Noble stores. TeleRead’s Paul Biba notes:"[B&N] Plan to open it up later."
twitter (feed #3) 7:16pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

@e_reading Nook Wi-Fi doesn’t work outside AT&T hotspots Sharing is via the site, not device to device.
twitter (feed #3) 7:25pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

RT @gadgetboy: @moon A wifi/voip smartphone could be an interesting play for google — wouldn’t be interesting w/o Wi-Fi and GTalk.


Life & Everything Else

Daily Digest for 2009-10-19


generic (feed #9) 9:17am Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 12:00pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 12:09pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Another dual-screen Android-based e-reader appears. These things are multiplying like tribbles.
twitter (feed #3) 5:14pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

What’s the cure for existential nausea? Alka-Sartre. My son’s version: "Head On. Apply directly to the psyche."
generic (feed #9) 7:17pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 7:17pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

generic (feed #9) 7:50pm Mitch Ratcliffe posted an item.

twitter (feed #3) 8:11pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed. e-reader, called the "Nook," will go head-to-head with Kindle at $259.
twitter (feed #3) 8:14pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Internet Archive will index books in open system co-developed by O’Reilly, Adobe, others. Plans to link to booksellers.
twitter (feed #3) 8:16pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

Plastic Logic’s QUE proReader looks pretty, but will it be pretty good enough? No pricing. Wait until 2010 to find out.
twitter (feed #3) 8:18pm admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.

2 days 2 virtually identical Android e-readers. B&N and Spring Design. Does it point to Android 2-screen video players?
