9:44am |
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Bruno Latour’s School of Political Arts http://arthistorynewsletter.com/blog/?p=1806
9:46am |
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The emergence of international order: the case of MFN treaties in the 1860s. Interesting visualization http://tinyurl.com/25pv2rg
9:56am |
admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.
*I’m going to live forever, part 4,872 in a continuing series* – All in all, life is a break-even proposition http://tinyurl.com/23tbbvl
9:57am |
admin posted a tweet on My Twitter Feed.
North American Dialects Project — participate with your own English patois. http://tinyurl.com/2wbvues
10:01am |
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Abstruse Goose » The Creation – part 2 — the Lord is subtle and yet so malicious. http://tinyurl.com/yhq5qy9
10:06am |
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Brain origins of ‘blindsight’ revealed http://tinyurl.com/38k4rpl